Trimmings, cuttings


Well-Known Member
Hey guys I've read a lot about trimming my plant and not trimming my plant and can't decide so thought id ask for opinion as light is starting to fair to reach the lower leaves , my setup is a 600w ,top feed dwc , hydro h&g nutes am about 1and a half weeks into flower got white hairs and preflowers everywere, but yeah opinions would be handy as I'm not sure on we're to trim how much and how often ?


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I had a similar question and got no responses. I'm three weeks into flower and have a very bushy plant. I've been cutting two to three of the small leaves off the bottom that never get any light every two to three days. I'm done trimming now. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
If you are going to print don't prune leafs, prune the bottom shots off. The whole branches they won't amount to much.
Something like this. I really should of took more
20150528_035732.jpg 20150528_035349.jpg 20150528_035732.jpg 20150528_035349.jpg


Well-Known Member
Your plant looks pretty indica though and not very tall so i wouldt to much. I know it seen counter productive to grow a plant up just to chop a third off but it gives the higher branches the time to get nice and strong. The only time the bottom 2 shots really become good branches is when you top at the second node and leave 4 branches


Well-Known Member
I remove the under growth from my plants that don't receive adequate light. The canopy fills the entire footprint of my flowering room. I only leave a 1 foot to 2 1/2 feet of canopy on each plant to insure maximum light delivery.


Well-Known Member
Well I havnt taken anymore then 3 or 4 leaves that I accidentally ripped off while tieing down again anddd all those small shoots have stretched there way to the top of the canopy all I'm considering doing is maby cutting couple off the bottom leaves off that touch the ground / lid , as they shows sights of a couple yellow / brown spots and yeah I got a mixed feminized pack from 00 seeds if you could help me narrow down the strain :P is a very low bushy plant and thx for help guys .... Kinda wishing I vegged longer then 3 weeks but kinda got the feelings it's going to be quite a long flower on the start of my 3rd week of flower now and only just got hairs showing on the nodes



Well-Known Member
If that was my girl i wouldnt trim anything off just yet. Get some ties and spread the branches to let more light in. Youve got loads of space so make the most of it,


Well-Known Member
Yeah thx I've decided to hold off for a bit managed to get a pic just then as my lights went out makes it a bit clearer without the hps thx again , yeah rooms not a problem if I outgrow the tent I got a spare room I can stick her in :)



Well-Known Member
Its looking good, i usually only defoliate around week 2 of flower but there are alot of factors (strain, growth, space etc). Keep up the good work, and be patient

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Or even if some one can send me a link to a similar topic
I've got two for you! This topic is a little controversial.......I'm on the leave them alone side..

Read these threads and you get the answers your looking for....The original posters are rather storied old time growers who have forgot more about growing then 90% of everyone else here!

Tip-o-the hat to Ben and Riddle
