Defoliation, a scientific approach...

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
96 leaves ranging from fans to smaller fans from grown inter nodes . . . . .

Haaaaang on, I'll go and take a snap of the pile. Can't really take a shot of the plant as it's lit with a mag ballast, so the frequency screws my pics up . . . . biab
Were they healthy?


Well-Known Member
lovely looking plants fella . . . . wish I had the luxury of growing outdoors.

I shall posts regular pics of the Strawberry Cough so we can both compare; I know they'll both be delicious. What you growing there?

God luck semper i will let my plants grow naturally I;ll make sure to post what plant looks like in a months time :)



Well-Known Member
Darth, nice plants, but again, this thread isn't about growing outdoor non pruned plants, it's about growing indoor pruned plants. I don't want to sound like an ass or anything, but the thread shouldn't be cluttered with regular growing out door plants. I only know a handful of people that prune out door plants to begin with and I'm not one of them either. If you have any indoor defoliation projects going, by all means, please post tthem. Another problem is, in a month, I'd hope your outdoor plants are 5 feet tall or we would have to have some counciling lol, just kidding kind of. I'm refraining from posting all of my indoor non pruned plants as well. Also, we are all growing different strains, so this is basically visual data. I don't know many people that can out yield the strains I grow with in the same veg/flower time in the style i grow. Because it's my style. And I go for getting the most bang for the buck with out screwing up quality, yield, potency.

Back to defoliation.


Well-Known Member
And as for a flowering plant . . . . . . an auto . . . . . . I simply do not care, rrrrrrrrrrrrip the leaves from em!!!

Critical Cheese Auto - Nearly 6 weeks from seed in the ground! (Took nearly five days to germ.)

Yup, there are a few leaves targeted for destruction tomorrow, in flower, I tend to slow down, if I can not get to the stem of the leaf, then I consider it a sugar leaf; and it can stay, ahhhhhhhh en I nice!!

Also, I'd be the first to admit, I've fed it a little too much too early, she'll pull through :)



Well-Known Member
AAAAAAAAAAAaaannnnnnd here they are . . . .two Wembley (Pyramid) AK47 x Bubblegum clones; one of them will get defoliated further, one will be left alone!

leave them both alone, they are too tiny they need all of those leaves and some more lol


Well-Known Member
Ha ha . . . . .yeah you'd think so wouldn't you . . . . . keep checking in, I think you'll be amazed :)


leave them both alone, they are too tiny they need all of those leaves and some more lol



Well-Known Member
ha haaaaa, right . . . .crappy video taken of a standard defoliation session . . . . it's uploading to mediafire now, so I can download it to crush it up a bit . . . .reckon I should be done in about an hour . . . . .

Pull up a chair folks, get ready to watch me beat on one of my beautiful women!!!



Well-Known Member
Sorrrrrrreeeeee, 80% uploaded, still gotta download it to crush it down smaller, but my twin processor workstation will make lite work of that . . . . . .

Wont be long . . . . .