Ladies and Gentlemen,
Side by Side comparison has been made and we also have the "produce by weight" results so far. The garden is getting annihilated by the indoor garden. The indoor zucchini put on a spurt that saw 4 very good sized zucchini produced (one last one is yet to reach "harvest" size) and now I am waiting on the next growth to come through. On current production it works quite well......not to much but enough to feed us
The tomatoes outdoors are doing ok, but the tomatoes indoors....jesus! I have a variety of different pots until this point. Even the one in the seedling pot that I kept in there and have fed the same as the rest.....it's putting out about 6 tomatoes!!!! Insane. In a pot that is 10cmx 4cm x 4cm! The one in the 16litre smart pot (root pouch brand) has a trunk not a stem. Must be 2cm diameter. I have 2 blumats in that one and there is no need to water it at all. Just took the blumats out to see the root system and it's lovingly curled around the stem of the blumat.
Today I am in the workshop cutting up the boards that will be the shelves on my next build. I am also doing a test and will publish the results....a test that to date I haven't seen anyone do and I need the results from: What happens when you leave a CXA3070 5000k to run all day on an Arctic 11Plus cooler with no fan running. I'll take a series of readings during the day and then publish the findings (I also have a PAR meter with me, so we'll get ambient temps, PAR output, W draw and Tj temps). Quite excited to put some empirical evidence back into this fine forum.
Here are the results by weight so far:
Garden: Total Weight Produced : 133.8g
1) 62.3g
2) 71.5g
Indoor: Total Weight Produced : 573.1g
1) 189.9g
2) 127.9g
3) 169.9g
4) 85.4g
Taste comparison -
Garden tasted much better than store bought. Sweeter, less bitter and better looking flesh.
Indoor - quite simply the best zucchini I have ever eaten. Flesh was perfect. Almost sweet with no trace of acridity or bitterness that one normally associates with zucchini.
I am a chef by heart and so I apologise, but I also had to include the pictures of the first proper meal with the zucchini. Raw zucchini noodles with a putanesca sauce and a pan fried wedge of sashimi grade tuna .......I am still rolling my eyes at the taste now
Anyway - for you
@Metacanna ....you wanted side by side - here you go.
The sorry looking fella on the right of the 3 zucchini picture is the one from the garden.
The tomatoes are variously - Roma, Andes Tomato (Cornue des Andes, Andenhorn), White Currant (the small round ones) and Aunt Ruby's German Green (the big bertha)
And finally - a rather pathetic attempt at an artistic shot with my "garden shears" (aka my wire clippers) and a chilli flower