Please help, what is wrong with her?

Okay so I have grown 4 crops in the past, about 8 years ago, all indoor and they turned out good. I don't even smoke a lot anymore.
I was walking my puppy the other day and literally found a plant growing in the grass, it was inches from the sidewalk downtown! No loose soil under it, does not look like it was purposely planted! I decided to go back at no ghat, dug it out and put it into a small pot. It is growing, has got 2 new sets in the last 5 days since I've had it. I am currently just using some soil from a house plant I purchased. I am currently just growing it under a single cfl, will upgrade the lighting shortly. It had a spittle bug on it but I've got rid of it.
One of the sets of leaves is kind of curled and disfigured was like that when I transplanted it. What would cause that? Bugs?
Take a look at the pics, why are my bottom leaves going yellow, lack of nitrogen?
I am not planning on having an extravagant grow op, not expecting a high yield or high quality, just some smoke.
Can anyone tell me what's going on, and what should I do?
Thanks RIUers! 20150606_200620.jpgView attachment 3435438 20150606_200620.jpg View attachment 3435438 20150606_200650.jpg View attachment 3435440 20150606_200656.jpg 20150606_200706.jpg View attachment 3435443 View attachment 3435444 20150606_200620.jpg 20150606_200620.jpg View attachment 3435438 20150606_200650.jpg View attachment 3435440 20150606_200656.jpg 20150606_200706.jpg View attachment 3435443 View attachment 3435444
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Well-Known Member
please don't put up so many pics. just 2 or 3 is good.
it needs a small amount of fertilizer or transplant into a larger pot that has soil with fert in it, like foxfarm.
please don't put up so many pics. just 2 or 3 is good.
it needs a small amount of fertilizer or transplant into a larger pot that has soil with fert in it, like foxfarm.
Whoa, I only meant to upload 4, sorry. Thanks for the quick reply, I'm going to the local hydro shop tomorrow to pick up some good soil and a larger pot. Thanks again!


Well-Known Member
Nitrogen deficiency / lockout by high/low ph. A ph stabilized bag of organic nute soil will work or a bag of regular soil/hydro and synthetic nutrients. Btw that deficiency is working its way up fast for a plant that size. Dont wait longer than a few days.


Well-Known Member
Have you looked at the underside of your leafs and see if you see anything moving?
Nitrogen deficiency / lockout by high/low ph. A ph stabilized bag of organic nute soil will work or a bag of regular soil/hydro and synthetic nutrients. Btw that deficiency is working its way up fast for a plant that size. Dont wait longer than a few days.
Thanks, it just started today, going out in the am to get some good soil
Have you looked at the underside of your leafs and see if you see anything moving?
I don't see anything moving, but there is a lot of what looks like dirt built up under the top few sets. When I transplanted I had to do it as discreet as possible as it was downtown, so after digging it out I put it in a grocery bag for my 3 minute walk home, not sure if some of the dirt got up there or not. There was a spittle bug up there that I saw after getting rid of the 'bubbles' but it was still young so do not think it could have reproduced but I could be wrong! I've never had a bug problem in any of my previous grows, so not sure what it would look like.


Well-Known Member
what everyone else said.

give it a larger container (1-3 gallon for now) with some good soil (roots organic, foxfarm) and light fertilization (about 25-50% dosage).

you can also spray it with some neem as a preventative for bugs if you'd like. those yellow leaves will die off eventually, but you'll get plenty of healthy new green growth by that time.

a CFL will only keep it alive for so long, you may want to just set it outside in the sunlight for 12 hours a day when you want it to flower.
what everyone else said.

give it a larger container (1-3 gallon for now) with some good soil (roots organic, foxfarm) and light fertilization (about 25-50% dosage).

you can also spray it with some neem as a preventative for bugs if you'd like. those yellow leaves will die off eventually, but you'll get plenty of healthy new green growth by that time.

a CFL will only keep it alive for so long, you may want to just set it outside in the sunlight for 12 hours a day when you want it to flower.
Unfortunately I live in an apartment. My previous grows were fluro then hps. Since this is an unexpected plant not looking to put much into it. If I got let's say 3 cfls do you think I could at least veg with them? May pick up a cheap little mh or led kit for flower.


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately I live in an apartment. My previous grows were fluro then hps. Since this is an unexpected plant not looking to put much into it. If I got let's say 3 cfls do you think I could at least veg with them? May pick up a cheap little mh or led kit for flower.
3 CFLs will get you through veg, 6 CFLs might even get you through flower if you keep her (hopefully it's a her) short.

no balcony? i would just throw one out on the balcony behind some tomato plants and whatnot.
3 CFLs will get you through veg, 6 CFLs might even get you through flower if you keep her (hopefully it's a her) short.

no balcony? i would just throw one out on the balcony behind some tomato plants and whatnot.
Hopefully it's a she! Haha I'll keep it, it's already quite stinky though and really don't want to build a whole setup for the smell.
unfortunately posted up in a one bedroom above a business downtown so no balcony.