Well-Known Member
Trust me,I'm not playing devils advocate,even users of heroin and such drugs know its not good to use them,and they can turn peoples lives inside out,but users let the drugs do so...i don't like the "its the user, not the drug" because i think it really is a combination of both. i do agree with you, if someone wants to quit then they very well can. however, the damage done during the time it takes for an addict to get it together and get clean remains. a lot of people out there lost all their possessions, family, friends, and no matter what they do they won't ever get those things back. sure, everyone has what it takes to quit, but the fact remains that these substances are addictive enough to cause serious damage in people's lives. sometimes irreversible damage. if these drugs are on par with cigarettes, just think about how long it takes some people to quit smoking. some people fight that battle their whole lives. if it were heroin instead of cigarettes, those people would have destroyed their entire lives or died too young.
I used to chew up 15x 10 mg lortabs to get well in the opiates for @10 years then I got a tooth pulled.. 8 x 10mg lortabs the doc gives me..ate em all in ten hours,and not any since.
Self-control starts with ' self'and no one is their self on drugs..proof is pavlovian response to ex addicts watching video of a shit being cooked...
I agree and don't equally.. I think you may as well..
Either way..drugs that let a rational person behave irrationally are bad..but the drug didn't
And to an extent I do as well..i can, i did. regardless, i agree with most of what this article contains.
But im a realist even in hypothetical situations...some can drink a drink,or have a casual cigarette,or play angry birds every once in a while.for others these things consume every moment of their lives...
Same with drugs..I know people,myself included, who could do a number of drugs and it be recreational.. Few lines of coke for some guy,at his birthday,and none again for 2 years..I also know people who would do a bump,and turn around and mug you for more...
Again..different people,same drug..
I'm sure glad you got wise with shit and had the will and knowledge to get over're one of the few with will power to a degree;it seems you got your head on as well now...I was in your same mindframe,and thought I would never do any substance again other than L and herb,as I "know myself,and I'll be right back to fucking up,even just a recreational taste will send me outta control.." But quickly realized eating L and smoking,I could control the intake of other drugs,as L makes me think,strengthens my mind,and I realized if man makes,man can nothing man made could control me I I tested myself..did a bump of k..didn't go nuts..then 3 weeks later,similar incident..still fine..then nothing for a looong time,just because..idk why..but I proved to myself I had grounding,and that I can control myself,and rationalized I'm cutting myself short and missing some added glow to life..I can accentuate an evening of boating with a line of coke or if I chose a pill of sorts..but still back to sober and normal and not chasing things...not trying to talk ya into old habits,just talking to get to my point...
Now in my later years of drug consumption,none of these drugs interest me ..sure I think about how a line or shot or whatever might elevate the evening,make dinner more casual with a friend,but my mind goes to the recovery hangover,or nosebleeds,then my rational coincides with my true lack of no interest in the buzz these things offer,and I figure I'd rather have 8 hrs of gardening tomorrow instead of sleep in or feel irritable.also one wants to have people know they do hard drugs,that's why they go to the bathroom

.my real addiction,I'd sell plasma so I could grow pot

Wow.story time over