
Just looking for some reassurance that i did this right. 24 hours ago i took six cuttings off of a kush plant i cut them at a 45 degree angle at the end and stripped the outside of the branch on the bottom 1/4 inch of it. Soaked them in water for a bit then dipped them in some rooting.powder then put them in some peat moss cube things (The things u get to grow cuttings from walmart with the plastic tray) they are now covered with plastic Ziploc bags and resting in the peat moss stuff. Is this the proper method for cloning? When should i expect to see some root growth?
I mainly use the Clone-X gel, but im sure the powders and liquids do well. Make sure you keep the humidity high, and make sure you spray the cuttings down every day. I usually mist mine a few times a day.

May take some time, I think the clones I just took made it to the 9 or 10 day marker before roots popped out of the side of my rapid rooter plugs.
Sounds good. I have never used the baggie method or peat, but it all works the same, more or less, so they say. I have had clones root in as little as 4 days, as many as 30, the more ya do it, the better you get and its a little different almost everytime. Kinda like sex, maybe with the same strain it can become mundane...but something new might throw you a knuckle ball.
The key is that your peat pellets/plugs are not too wet. Strain dependent expect about 2 weeks. Uncover your tray daily. I like twice and mist plants once a day. Too wet of substrate will lead to stem rot. Also, keep them under light.
Was donor mom at least 5 weeks in dirt? For me that is the break-off point -- cuttings from younger moms don't root as well as cuttings from an older mom.

After years of experimenting I've settled on a rooting gel rather than a powder. Had too many problems with the powder forming a hard little cap on the bevel cut that prohibits the necessary uptake of water.

Clones root best at 100% humidity. That is why most of us use the clone domes. By leaving a 1/2 inch of water standing in the dome and the top closed you can pretty much guarantee high RH. Note: I expect to see condensation on the inside of the dome every time I check. No condensation? - I got a problem. I don't know how close to 100% RH you can manage with your ziplock baggies. Domes are cheap, buy 2 or 3.

Good luck, BigSteve.
Domes are cheap, buy 2 or 3.

One thing ill add to that; if you dont plan on making very many clones, or a lot at once, try to buy a smaller square dome container. The long rectangular ones dont fit in my sink at least, makes it a pain in the ass to clean out xD
the only thing not mentioned is a feed for rooting, I like Canna rhizotonic but there's a few feeds that help develop roots out there, not essential but will speed things up and improve your success rate.
Its been about a week since i posted this, i am seeing no visible root/plant growth and bottom leaves are yellowing. Time to throw em and try again?
Nope don't toss 'em just give it some time, as long as they haven't completely wilted away you can expect roots to come out.Some strains can take 3-5 days but usually it takes 1-3 weeks.Just be patient.
Ok, im starting to think this might not b the hobby for me, i like immediate gratification this waiting stuff kills me haha
My last cloning took almost a month, while the 3 previous took less than 10 days. Mine stayed green though...just were not growing or showing roots. Like here though when I started to worry a bit I was told if they look alive wait them out. Sure enough a couple days after that they started exploding with roots. I blame my problem on using some potting soil instead of my usual basic Promix peat and things stayed too wet too long. Same strains as previous.
I have found I don't really need to dome but I have capped a couple to help them through any droops.
Should i remove my covers from them to let them dry out a bit? Ive been keeping the peat moss pretty wet the last week

Yeah you can slowly start removing the cover more and more everyday until they don't need it anymore.Keep the peat moist but not too wet.
I had one 5 weeks in the propagator down to 1 yellowing leaf so I put in kitchen to empty and clean when I could be bothered, week of sitting between the spice leaf and the coleus fuckers rooted and put out growth
Its been about a week since i posted this, i am seeing no visible root/plant growth and bottom leaves are yellowing. Time to throw em and try again?
You won't see new growth on top for awhile, they are going to put out roots before they continue to grow. you have to be patient.