The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
lol wasn't expecting that this morning.

nice blue rhino. good to see someone pushing the feed to the end not flushing weeks early.
Im allowing a good week without food before cutting, not 10 -14 days, that's ridiculous. Lack of Sulphur will reduce taste.

In my hydro tanks I put them on water for just 5 days with a tank change in the middle. Flushing in hydro is so easy, so clean.
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Well-Known Member
I've just got some sulphate of potash I've never used it with coco but on gonna give it a it says its water soluble and to apply at a rate of 35g sq meter so I'm thinking a tbl sp per about 15 ltr how does that sound?

I picked some growmore up from wilkos as well npk 7-7-7 with micro nutes could be good for bloom?