Weird growth....any ideas


Well-Known Member
This was a problem last year and I never figured what the problem was. Hoping if I see it this year I will know what I am dealing with. I am an outdoor grower and this happened to plants that were in very different conditions. Some in pots, some in the ground, different strains , different soil mixes and not all my plants were affected.May30 2015 002.jpgMay30 2015 003.jpg
I suspected pests of some sort but never pinned it down.


Well-Known Member
If you can get a nice 30x zoom or greater scope you may be able to see something. Moths sleep on the leaves and they carry micromites. Possible broad mite infestation. Why on some and not on others and different effects...? I cant explain it


Well-Known Member
I had some of the same on a plant this year. I was told by another couple people on here that it was more than likely broad mites. Neem oil in a soapy water spray seems to have halted anymore odd growth. Get some if you don't already.


Well-Known Member
I don't use any foliage sprays. As for the bud, it's hard to say. The plants that had it didn't get a chance to finish. I havn't been able to track neem oil down here in Canada. Which surprises me because its mentioned so often. Is there another name for it?


Well-Known Member
nope, Neem oil. Look for it on amazon. DYNA-GRO was the brand I bought. I got in a local Hydro Store here in SoCal. You should have an easy time finding some online.


Well-Known Member
Did you take them outside before the equinox? They could have started flowering then reverted back to growing. Did you notice any other plants not canna that had funky leafs in the area?


Well-Known Member
Broad mites burrow into leaf veins, they spread out to other plants, topical treatments wont stop them. Do you smoke tobacco? Mosaic virus can only be detected with a micrograph. You would have to send a sample to a lab and have it tested,they would know what you're doing yada yada. I have not ever found either one affecting cannabis ever. Aphids is another bell ringing for me. I think you put your plants out before the equinox and they transitioned on you. Google is your hero.


Well-Known Member
Yes I smoke tobacco, yes I had them inside and yes I think saw other non canna plants with it i think. The other plants were not as obvious and didn't have the raised volcano mound look going on. If you zoom in you can really see the volcano's pushing up from the underside of the leaf. As far as flowering early I would rule that out because inside I only gave them 15.75 hours of light and they never would of never gotten less than 15 from sunrise to sunset so if you add in dusk and dawn they should have been fine. At equinox we get 15.75 hrs from rise to set. I keep a pretty close eye and never saw a pistil on any plants till july and most not till early august.
As for aphids I can spot those pretty easily and they seem to like our sunflowers better than anything else lol and I havn't seen any on my plants.
Mosaic virus and broad mites were 2 things I considered, but could never verify, I did do alot of googling and just never found the perfect match. Also read those 2 things aren't common or heard of in cannabis if i remember correctly.
Not all of my plants had it. The ones in the sunniest spots didn't have any signs and were some of the same strains in lower light areas that did. My best plant which was very healthy and literally grew like 10ft christmas tree was in the lower light area and didn't have it. I had 3 auto's all 3 to 4 wks apart in age and they never showed any signs. The 3 auto's and small clone were in my backyard and probably got handled the most in case that helps rule out mosaic virus.
I would say most of the plant was affected, the top 1/4 to 1/3 being the least affected. It seemed to affect the buds. The affected buds taste similar from strain to strain and not very pot like.
I am happy to answer any other questions to try and figure it out.


Well-Known Member
egad holmes...i do believe you have the first cross of cannabis & bok choy in the world...congratulations, but seriously ive never seen anything like that & would offer advice if i could, best wishes in finding the reason


New Member
I recently have been battling broad mites myself. My partner did a spray of Fore Bid only on the Veg side, still seeing the bugs and their eggs. I have been doing a rotation of Neem from Dyna-Gro and Mighty Wash and haven't seen any adults on the flowering side of my space. I see an egg here and there, but no adults. I'll keep on that rotation until I don't see any more eggs! (fingers crossed)
Took a million years to figure out it was broad mites. Should have just pulled out the microscope! Those things are so small you can barely see their eggs under a 30X scope. I'd rather have spider mites!!!


Well-Known Member
Well the pics above were from last year and I didn't have any sort of magnifier except a 10x loupe. I now have a combo 30x and 60x loupe. The issue has showed up again in couple a seedlings in a patch where I literally just threw down some seeds in the middle of May. This was more a germination/pheno hunt experiment. The seeds are from a auto/photo breeding project.

Heres some pics of what I discovered yesterday. There are 16 other seedlings in this patch and only 1 other one shows symptoms. I cut this plant and brought it in the house to have a look under the loupe. I could not see anything that resembled a mite or insect at all. I did google broad mites and others.
The damage although a bit similar doesn't look like what I've seen in pics of broad mite damage. Within the last week we've had temps down to 5*C which I think should kill them. Anyways like I said I could not see any type of bug under 30 and 60x loupe.

I have been reading up on oedema which is from to much water uptake under the wrong condtions. Part of the wrong conditions is a stretch of warm sunny humid weather followed by a quick drop in temp. I discovered this on some spinach seedlings too which showed no bugs but had water droplets on the underside of the leaves. I am still not sure what is going on and will continue to keep watching our entire garden from cannabis to tomatoes.

Keep the questions, ideas and suggestions coming.
june 17-15 003.jpg
june 17-15 001.jpg
june 18 15 002.jpg


Active Member
Well the pics above were from last year and I didn't have any sort of magnifier except a 10x loupe. I now have a combo 30x and 60x loupe. The issue has showed up again in couple a seedlings in a patch where I literally just threw down some seeds in the middle of May. This was more a germination/pheno hunt experiment. The seeds are from a auto/photo breeding project.

Heres some pics of what I discovered yesterday. There are 16 other seedlings in this patch and only 1 other one shows symptoms. I cut this plant and brought it in the house to have a look under the loupe. I could not see anything that resembled a mite or insect at all. I did google broad mites and others.
The damage although a bit similar doesn't look like what I've seen in pics of broad mite damage. Within the last week we've had temps down to 5*C which I think should kill them. Anyways like I said I could not see any type of bug under 30 and 60x loupe.

I have been reading up on oedema which is from to much water uptake under the wrong condtions. Part of the wrong conditions is a stretch of warm sunny humid weather followed by a quick drop in temp. I discovered this on some spinach seedlings too which showed no bugs but had water droplets on the underside of the leaves. I am still not sure what is going on and will continue to keep watching our entire garden from cannabis to tomatoes.

Keep the questions, ideas and suggestions coming.
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those weeds are gonna grow good with the nutes you use for your smoke,. also , your soil looks grey not brown. that tells me your ph is off? if you dont have a test kit grab a shovel and look for worms. no worms = no growing of plants.


Well-Known Member
those weeds are gonna grow good with the nutes you use for your smoke,. also , your soil looks grey not brown. that tells me your ph is off? if you dont have a test kit grab a shovel and look for worms. no worms = no growing of plants.
This is just a little project in the corner of our veggie garden. Most of these plants will get chopped, I am looking for an auto male out of a group of 16 plants. There are lots of worms in our garden and we grow or have grown a variety veggies in there.
I don't do any foliage sprays, there is a heavy dew just about every night and the humidity is always high. I was wrong about only 2 having symptoms, there are at least 5 or 6.
I noticed some of the leaves weren't even shaped like pot, they looked like a half a maple leaf. Makes sense since I live in Canada lol.
I also found some of those weeds nearby and some spinach seedlings in raised bed have it too. So far none of the important ladies have shown any signs and are doing well.