CannaThis sucks I like gh floranova line
Anyone have any suggestions on any good nutrients out there that work as good or better I will be switching once these bottles of floranova run out... This suck![]()
I have made my own. Used organic mushroom composts, super soil, advanced nutrients line floranova etc. I found floranova to produce the nicest aromas flavours and size so I used it but now that they sold out to the devil well I'm out.make your own... easier and better for you...
I live off grid.. don't hunt but grow a lot of food.. I support all the companies on that list as much as hippy supports LP's.. while grid electricity is going up in cost, solar electricity is coming down.. just read an article about how solar and grid electricity will be at par in a few short years, faster than anyone expected.. solar etc you just pay for all your power up front.. soon enough lots will be off the grid, it's the natural progression.. so is growing one's own food/medicine and supporting local food producers.. btw hunting is not sustainable, unless it's hunting guys do know all the companies monsanto owns don't you? i put a list of them up before... trust me we all support monsanto .. unless your off the grid and hunt and grow everything never buying a single thing... you support them.. i mean you really support them unknowingly because you don't know where any of the corn/soy products you use come from farm wise, and who knows if the farms use monsanto products or they own so many sub companies that own sub companies its nuts.. theres really very few small businesses that have big names that haven't been acquired. i mean honestly thats every business persons dream to build a little personal business and have a giant like monsanto come and buy the company for hundreds of millions + stock options.
so you never consume any corn and soy products or products that use corn and soy to produce a bi product? look i eat nothing but local meet and produce from organic food stores but the truth of the matter is all those companies own sub companies .. who all feed into monsanto and theres no way you can know what corn or soy seed stock was used for anything in just basic products from corn sugars and syrup thats in damn near everything from the soy and corn that are used in packaging materials.. i mean you buy sugar how do you know there wasn't a monsato feed or bug product used on the sugar beet fields.. or flower fields... i get you dont use their products willingly or knowing probably .. but you have and or still do, unknowingly. even their ground up waste from their farmers soy field is used in MANY organic farmers foods so the cycle is there in some way... wether you want to admit it or not. clearly your not knowingly using anything of theirs... but you would have to never have ever purchased or at anything other than food you grew and farmed yourself .. and if you use gas in your tractors .... corn is the number one feed stock in producing ethanol ... so maybe monsantos corn is producing the gas you need to drive and farm.It's all processed food. The ONLY item on that list I consume is the Cadbury chocolate.
I buy local meat and produce, and they don't use commercial ferts or feeds. It's possible to resist.
Keep in mind those processed foods listed above are making humanity ill.
speaking of cadbury ... did you know that theres an allowance in shit like chocolate for rat crap? because they can't stop the rats from getting in and shitting into the dry mixes and stuff they have an allowance level of so much animal shit that can go into food and still be safe to consume.It's all processed food. The ONLY item on that list I consume is the Cadbury chocolate.
I buy local meat and produce, and they don't use commercial ferts or feeds. It's possible to resist.
Keep in mind those processed foods listed above are making humanity ill.