Opinions and info needed


New Member
Can anyone give me any opinions or info on my grow what strain you think it is and what it grows like. I bought clones from an unknown source and they are supposed to be blue dream I don't think they are any thoughts.



Well-Known Member
Looks like how a BD grows, look fine...once the leaves start turning purpleish its well on its way of being done


Well-Known Member
look around on this site and YT for lollipopping, pruning and topping techniques...it will make the most of your bud production


Well-Known Member
Doing these techniques with the BD will save you space. I see your space...thats why I didnt recommend bending /supercropping


Well-Known Member
See the Blue dreams on the back 9? There are a few in the front that are BD's...once the bloom nutes kick in they stretch n stretch. So in veg IM cutting them back to keep the canopy even. If I didnt they would be all over the place and strechy fucky hell...I mean even still they are...but more controlled and energy focusing to tops


New Member
Yea that's exactly how mine are doing know I think I let them veg to long. Yea but I see what your talking about in your pics


Well-Known Member
no prob. Get some support for them ,,,you dont want them laying up against the walls. Stems are really weaksauce for holding up buds