The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member

posted it yesterday, you rambling old codger,

congrats on the sales job gaz, time to become a fat twat like the rest of us now lol

only got 10 oz off the gringo, a hell of a lot of fluff on it but i did suspect it wouldn't yield too much cos it flopped over in early flower, got over 6oz of fluff and trim to play with from it though, going to make some various hashes some day soon.


Well-Known Member
ahhhh freedom. Time to crack a bottle then!

Congrats on becoming a pen pusher hulkman :D I couldn't do office work, i'd be green with rage in an hour. I need to shit to hit on lol love a bit of digging with a pickaxe I do, gets the rage flowing lmao
Cheers mate,
I'm Scottish tho so it's all good I've got my wife to hit on. :fire:


Well-Known Member
posted it yesterday, you rambling old codger,

congrats on the sales job gaz, time to become a fat twat like the rest of us now lol

only got 10 oz off the gringo, a hell of a lot of fluff on it but i did suspect it wouldn't yield too much cos it flopped over in early flower, got over 6oz of fluff and trim to play with from it though, going to make some various hashes some day soon.
Thanks G. I'll never be a fat cunt but I'll try my best lol.

So the gringo doesn't measure up to the exo then ? Think I'll stick to the old c/o's in that case, was liking the sound of the gringo as well


Well-Known Member
Yeah i ran 3 mango last time but didn't take any cuts which was a mistake as 1 plant had 4 colas the size of my head she was an absolute beast their from blimburn seeds cheap and tasty
a cross of jack herer, Z was saying last night about that strain being mangoey.

and like ya say cheap, cheers for that 3eyes.


Well-Known Member
There's 3 mango in the net and further back there's a superskunk and a sexbud the sexbud and SS are coming down this weekend the mango 1 or 2 weeks more.
we were only talking about mango strains the other night lol u ran it before mate? I love the sound of anything mango