Will these buds be smokeable?


Active Member
Man.. This beautiful dinafem white widow XXL auto was growing perfectly until it went splotchy, yellow and lost a tonne of leaves all in the space of about 3 to 5 days.
Any way.. Have a look at these buds! They are exactly 9 weeks from seed.
Do they look OK? I'm having trouble as these are my first ever auto babies
I know they are due to finish very soon. Probably within a week, I just have to get a microscope for the triches


Bud Tipps

Well-Known Member
Maybe, if not, you can make hash out of it.

What happened? Did you overfeed it? It looks horribly overfed.

I would harvest it, I don't think it will look better in a week.


Active Member
Maybe, if not, you can make hash out of it.

What happened? Did you overfeed it? It looks horribly overfed.

I would harvest it, I don't think it will look better in a week.
Yes, I gave it far too much blood and bone in about week 4 5 and 6
Misread labels.. So sad

OK guys I will harvest tonight!
Hopefully the next batch are perf


Active Member
Hmm I've actually changed my mind.. Most of the pistils are not orange/brown yet and are not receeding back into the buds
I don't think they're ready just yet
Lots more leaves are dying and falling though.
I'm going to see if I can find a microscope too


Active Member
You're a fool for not listening. Your plant is dying. It is not going to mature if you leave it longer. Why bother asking if you're just going to do more dumbass shit to your grow anyway?


Well-Known Member
Chop it.

This happened to me on my first grow using nutes. I didnt ask for help and let the buds continue to grow, the buds ended up being shit. 90g of shit. Harvest now and learn from your mistakes. Ever since then ive never had that happen to another plant.


Active Member
OK, it will get done in 8 hours when I'm back
I read a tonne last night and a few posts convinced me not to chop
But my plants are not quite normal so I'll trust all your advice for this case
Thanks dudes, will update when they're hung c:


Active Member
Poor girls...
I would only give it water for a week then harvest
Maybe two wks if it starts to look any better
Man yeah I'm so sad for them. They were perfect until I decided to fuck with nutes but lesson learned definitely!
They have started to look greener in the last week.
I'm so conflicted with what to do now.
Everyone is saying to chop except you. What made you say to leave it for a week?


Active Member
take anything people say on here with a grain of salt 4 people told me to restart my plants and it was the best amoke ever...conclusion a lot of people here dnt know shit do what u feel watch her over 3 days and see if ur gettig bud growth if not kill it


Well-Known Member
Pistils are not turning , way overfed . Flush , flush. Flush. Let what time it got left to finish. Your choices with the feeding or lack of proper nutes stunted bud production. Put her on water ONLY. In a week check what triches and judge harvest time.


Well-Known Member
Imo it doesn't really matter what you do. My first batch had a plant I let go too long and started to look like that.

The buds stunk so bad I couldn't even look at them. Was gonna trash it all but a buddy took it.


Well-Known Member
Poor girls...
I would only give it water for a week then harvest
Maybe two wks if it starts to look any better
They are not going to get better, especially in 2 weeks. Id seriously consider chopping if i were you. If they were my plants id already have chopped, just from past experiences with the same problem.


Active Member
Ok so I chopped a little popcorn nug and quick dried it in the microwave.
As I was chopping though, I found 4 seeds...
My baby hermed :( or my other baby hermed and pollinated this one
I smoked the bowl though, and it is still probably the best weed I've ever smoked

In Australia, 95% of the time weed is weed and there are no options for different strains or anything
I wish we were further along the legalisation track and had dispensaries everywhere with aisles of strains
I'm probably a 5, 5 minutes after this bowl, my first ever of homegrown gourmet :)
Thank you rollitup for teaching me everything I needed to know to actually do this :bigjoint: I have faith that the photoperiod next two that I've LSTed to oblivion and topped a bit will turn out perfect after this experiment.
They've vegged for around a month or so and already have almost tree like stems and numerous colas
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