Cool to remove fan leaves in week 1 of flower???


Well-Known Member
What Up Plant Lovers,

First time grower with an idica dominant plant in it's first week of flower. During veg the plant was topped once and received some LST love every few days during the entire veg period. The plant seems to be doing very well and since being switched to 12/12 a week ago it's been stretching like a champ. That said, it's a busy little bastard and I think it could use a serious trim. I know there are strong feelings about removing fan leaves (both for and against) so let me just say this - I WILL REMOVE SOME LEAVES, the only questions are when and how many. Due to the LSTing during veg I think there are a number of potential bud sites but they aren't getting enough light due to all these damn fan leaves. Is it cool to remove leaves now (day 7 of flower) or would that slow/stunt growth? Are there any specific leaves that SHOULD NOT be removed? Should I wait until the plant is further along in its stretch before giving it a trim?
WT Top View FD7.jpg
WT Side FD7.jpg
Teach me oh wise ones! :peace:


Well-Known Member
IMO - I'd leave the plant the way it is. Add more light if possible. The fan leaves will drop off naturaly when it gets into the last stages of flowering.
Thanks for the reply Phase. Adding more light would be tough, it's a small tent and heat is already an issue, even with good ventilation. That said, some leaves have gotta go, I just won't be able to help myself. Maybe not today, and maybe only two or three leaves at a time, but I've gotta get some of those inner bud sites room to share in the light.

Question, do you never take any leaves off? Like not even during veg? I plucked about 10 fan leaves in total during the veg state, the last few coming off about a week before switching to 12/12. :peace:

Final Phase

Well-Known Member
Thanks for the reply Phase. Adding more light would be tough, it's a small tent and heat is already an issue, even with good ventilation. That said, some leaves have gotta go, I just won't be able to help myself. Maybe not today, and maybe only two or three leaves at a time, but I've gotta get some of those inner bud sites room to share in the light.

Question, do you never take any leaves off? Like not even during veg? I plucked about 10 fan leaves in total during the veg state, the last few coming off about a week before switching to 12/12. :peace:
If you feel you have to get more light into the plant by taking leaves off - do this: Cut only the middle leaf off from the leaves you feel need to go. That way the plant won't suffer the loss that much - taking the whole leaf just doesn't have to be done. Some people cut leaves off half way - I like to keep all the work the plant has done to keep it healthy.

I totally understand not being able to get more light in. More light just can't be done without using LED's sometimes...


Well-Known Member
like he said, just take a blade that will allow the most light to pass. iv also cut the leaves in half. like when cloning...dont remove the fans completely.


Well-Known Member
I would lollipop her and/or add more light. focus on the top buds getting the goodies.
What Up Antman. Dude, we're getting out voted! I've got three replies already saying not to touch the leaves! I probably won't lollipop given how short the plants are. Supposedly this strain is gonna stay pretty short, but if they keep stretching I might change my mind! On a separate note, EVERYBODY is saying to add more light. I'm working in a 3'w x 3'd x 6' tall tent, not much room for added light. I guess I could squeeze a few cfls in there, but it's already getting tough to keep the heat down. In fact, I've got a question about that...

Will temps in the high 80's / low 90's during lights on cause major issues later in my grow? Seemed to not make any difference during veg, but I've read the plants like it cooler during flower. :peace:


Well-Known Member
Honestly man if this is your 1st time and with this setup.....let it roll and see what she does....then you will know for next time. You can also fold the fan leaves over and out of the way, instead of chopping anything off. This needs to be done daily, as they will spring back, but at least you aren't eliminating your sugar makers.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the reply Phase. Adding more light would be tough, it's a small tent and heat is already an issue, even with good ventilation. That said, some leaves have gotta go, I just won't be able to help myself. Maybe not today, and maybe only two or three leaves at a time, but I've gotta get some of those inner bud sites room to share in the light.

Question, do you never take any leaves off? Like not even during veg? I plucked about 10 fan leaves in total during the veg state, the last few coming off about a week before switching to 12/12. :peace:
i tend to only clean up lower small sites where pop corn buds would form and and one a bushy indica strain for example i also pull off a few lower fans sometimes to open up airflow and prevent pm

also if there are any pests or anything dense lower bud sites shrouded by fans are easy for them to spread from one leaf to another

but middle, upper, tops all that growth i leave alone for light absorption, photosynthesis etc,etc,

I've tried defoliation and in my experience it often actually decreased my yield and slowed my growth, i didn't like it very much

i prefer to top my plants young , veg for adequate time, and stake and support in flower if needed

but to each his own good luck brother

peace, love, and weed
happy gardening all!


Well-Known Member
If you feel you have to get more light into the plant by taking leaves off - do this: Cut only the middle leaf off from the leaves you feel need to go. That way the plant won't suffer the loss that much - taking the whole leaf just doesn't have to be done. Some people cut leaves off half way - I like to keep all the work the plant has done to keep it healthy.

I totally understand not being able to get more light in. More light just can't be done without using LED's sometimes...
Ok, so if a leaf has to go, don't take the whole leave. I think I can handle that. Daggy suggested waiting until around week 4 before taking any leaves off. You think that should apply to taking only part of the leaves as well?

I've seen posts with some amazing results using LEDs. It was just too big of an investment for my first grow. I know, I know, you get what you pay for. But there a million things that could go wrong besides not having the best lights. I figured I better get a few grows under my belt before forking over $300+ for kick-ass lights. Do they really run cooler than fluorescents? :peace:


Well-Known Member
i tend to only clean up lower small sites where pop corn buds would form and and one a bushy indica strain for example i also pull off a few lower fans sometimes to open up airflow and prevent pm

also if there are any pests or anything dense lower bud sites shrouded by fans are easy for them to spread from one leaf to another

but middle, upper, tops all that growth i leave alone for light absorption, photosynthesis etc,etc,

I've tried defoliation and in my experience it often actually decreased my yield and slowed my growth, i didn't like it very much

i prefer to top my plants young , veg for adequate time, and stake and support in flower if needed

but to each his own good luck brother

peace, love, and weed
happy gardening all!
Hey Grateful, thanks for the words of wisdom. I've got a soilless mix going with coco coir and perlite. I mention that because I water the soil directly in hopes of avoiding pm. Which leads to a question, do the actual leaves need to be watered? The leaves themselves haven't been moistened in weeks. Do they need to be misted or something?

As for defoliation, I've read some VERY PASSIONATE posts about the WONDERS of defoliation. It seems interesting but some people take it to an extreme. I'm only interested in removing a few leaves as my main objective is to make it to my first harvest without stressing out my plants. I'm definitely dealing with a bushy indica so it sounds like trimming a few leaves would work out. Also, this being my first grow I don't have an eye for what will become "popcorn" and what has a chance of being a real bud, so I'll probably keep my trimming limited to fan leaves. :peace:


Well-Known Member
i usually don't spray anything on the leaves other than neem oil occasionally throughout veg to prevent pests and pm

I've heard of people misting and/or foliar feeding but i stick to watering directly and if i need anything added to the water i use a compost tea blend rather than bottled nutrients

very good information and nice folks over in organics if you're interested in any of that stuff,
i know your in coco / perlite but possibly for future grows i know i like experimenting haha

i started in soilless for example now I'm making my own version of super soil and getting higher quality smooth smoke and still very potent indoor flowers

but soilless/hydro definitely yields more so it's all up to why you grow/ how much medicine you need just a thought man sorry for rambling i am a little baked

but i hope flowering goes well for you man any questions be sure to ask us here on the site!
i get advice from so many nice folks on here in various sections :)

peace, love, and weed
happy gardening all!


Well-Known Member
Plants use photosynthesis to turn light energy into a form of energy the plant can use. done by small organelles on the underside of fan leaves. Remove too many fans and your greenery will turn white as a albino. I lost the yield from 4 plants by removing too many fans. You won't know how many is too many until it is too late. General rule - fans are our friends!

Good luck, BigSteve.


Well-Known Member
Just re-lst to open her up. Make a nice flat canopy, and get your lights close. This grow im trimming the very bottom growth to reduce popcorn/small buds.


To be clear, you can spread that plant out a lot :) just stake her down real good!