Are they tricking me ?


Well-Known Member
Hmmm. I read many threads regarding seeds and orders but haven't seen any that would answer my question. Would the Customs or Police send you a Registered Mail slip in order for you to come to the Post Office and sign for it before you pick it up ? Then come to your house later ? Oh well, it's all new to me. I use to have old school seeds and didn't need to order but now I need them.

The Postal Form is 3849 and article number begins with RJ (if it means anything) They say it is a parcel and registered mail. The box is not checked saying I have to sign for the item, but would need to fill out information for them to redeliver. The BIG thing is...I haven't ordered anything other than beans and am not expecting any parcel of any kind. Does anybody have any insight to this ? Am I being too paranoid?


Well-Known Member
parcel = package. where did you order? I've heard of Missed You slips, bring to post office to redeem, but never having to sign for it, if it never needed a signature to begin. :confused:


Active Member
If they cant find you and its been delivered or attempted to be delivered they can check out the package..... to be on the safe side I wouldn't go and get it. IF it is the police they will end up coming to your house either way if they are in this set up. I would say its not them, but if it was your fucked you have more of a chance getting away if they came to the house then if you were at the post office. And it does suck cause you know what you ordered but do they..... its better to be safe than sorry good luck

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
If you didn't order anything and are not expecting a package from family then take a big red marker and write DECLINED on the notice and stick it back in your mailbox. The postman will send the package back to the originator. (It could VERY WELL be misdirected mail).

If you aren't sure then call the local post office (the form should have their phone number, written in ink, on it.) and tell them you received a notice but aren't expecting a package so it might be an error. Ask them to find the package and tell you who the sender is. This should NOT be a problem for the local post office.... (especially if you
don't sound like a scared 18 yo when you call ;) )

Either way... this is not a hard one to figure out.


Well-Known Member
DO NOT GO. END OF STORY if you sign for it you are admitting you had them shipped. Just ignore all attempts for them to give you that package and you acknowledge you are accepting it.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the reply. The sender is on the ticket and it says Centrick Info. I can't seem to find anything online regarding Centrick Info. But if this is the case and they are wanting me to come there then it blows out of the water the fact that we ALWAYS just get a letter from CUSTOMS. I have one more person to ask if they sent something to me and if they didn't send it then...screw it. And to think people get their panties in a wad over not receiving their beans ( I can live with that ), but being nailed for ordering online is another matter. :neutral:


Active Member
florida girl must not of understood your post... its not worth your freedom dont go or you just might not come back home.................. even I have a bad feeling about it and I am not you............. but how I always see it is if you have doubt then you need to go with that gut feeling its NOT worth it.........

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
Thanks for the reply. The sender is on the ticket and it says Centrick Info.

Look..... it's pretty clear... if you didn't order it... it's not yours! DECLINE IT! It doesn't matter who Centrick is, if you didn't order it and it's not Ed McMahon standing at your door with a 10 million dollar check then it's not yours.

It's not rocket science!


Well-Known Member
I'm for sure not picking it up. It's not my address it was sent to and I don't live there. I assume nobody was there on the day it was to be delivered or maybe its too big for the mailbox ( I HOPE )... but either way I will let them send a second and final notice and give the alloted time for the beans to arrive and if they don't arrive by Sept. 3 ( which would be 28 working days), then I'll know for sure. If they do show up in the mail prior to that date then I will go get the package.
I've never read anything like this happening here on this site and it took me a long time to even consider ordering anything. From all of the positive responses and green letter comments I assumed it was the normal thing. Lose your money and get a letter. Surely I'm not the first this has happened to. I guess the ones that get caught you never hear from again :mrgreen:.

If I decline the parcel or let them send it back would I still be guilty? It was after all ordered by CC. I don't have to sign for this it says and I can go online and ask them to redeliver and leave it on side porch/front porch. How I wish I knew someone at the post office now. ( For all of you smart a**s who might say I should wish for an Attorney, I already have one. :blsmoke:

Rocky Top High

Well-Known Member
Hey man, just be smart. You already know how to play the game so just hunker down and give it some time. As soon as you know whats up, let me know and I will be in touch. You know I got your back. :mrgreen: