Well-Known Member
Keep a bowl of water around when you're taking cuttings, if you want add a drop of superthrive. Cut clone and throw the whole thing in the water. Let all your clones float in the water for about 10 minutes, they will be like a sponge and absorb water. Now cut about 1/4" off the end of the clone to eliminate any embolism( air bubble in the stem) and go on your normal procedure. Soaking the clones will stop 99% of droop and wilt of cloning, and in my very unscientific observations knock a couple days off rooting times. I also don't use rooting gels/powders..I found out of the 3 different brands i tried it didn't really make anything go faster if all the other conditions were kept optimized. If your in not ideal conditions, a rooting hormone could be a little boostI took my cuttings yesterday afternoon, cut at a 45, shaved some skin off the stem, dipped stem in water for 10-15 seconds then in the rooting gel for 10-15 seconds then into a coco plug pre-soaked in cloning solution and worm tea. The clones drooped about 30 minutes later but when I awoke this morning I glanced over at my humidity dome which is under florescent lights and on top of a seedling heating mat and the cuttings were sticking straight up! Happy to see that. I immediately checked on the bigger cherry og and it was completely fine. No signs of distress what so ever! So I think once my coco medium looks like it needs it's next feed, that is when I will put into flowering and start off with flowering nutrients.