during drying and curing do hairs always turn red?


Well-Known Member
dried and jared two plants,is good ass smoke,lot red hairs,different strains. how do I keep it green?,i mean I don't care,,,is it something im doing???


Well-Known Member
? ??? hairs normally go brown, red or orange, some blue, pink, purple. but never seen green dry myself


Well-Known Member
I usually have hairs start to turn color during flowering. Far before harvest and curing. When the hairs start to change color, I start looking at ttichomes to decide the right time to harvest.


Well-Known Member
If you harvested while the pistils were still white, they would probably be brown by the next day.

Yeah ive had plants where the trics where cloudy/amber and most the pistils where amber but a had a few white ones due to foxtailing, and when dried/cured they must of turned amber as well because i dont recall seeing any white pistils in the finished bud.

But ideally your pistils shouldnt be white after harvest.


Well-Known Member
Like you mentioned........theirs usually a few white hairs left before harvest.....but drying and curing sorts them out.........


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you cut early. When most of the hairs have turned color start watching. The pistols (hairs) will thin a little and kind of lay down or fall over. The calyxes will be swelling. You should be watching tricomes during this period. The hairs will mostly look like they receeded into the calyx.

This thread has a few pics. Its an older thread. Bump it and maybe some more will post.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you cut early. When most of the hairs have turned color start watching. The pistols (hairs) will thin a little and kind of lay down or fall over. The calyxes will be swelling. You should be watching tricomes during this period. The hairs will mostly look like they receeded into the calyx.

This thread has a few pics. Its an older thread. Bump it and maybe some more will post.


Well-Known Member
Waiting on my mates finishing......but yea looking very promising......Buhdas getting the sack and Barneys triple will be taking over.........can't wait till I have the space for them.....