Is this N toxicity or??


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Active Member
So annoyed this baby here im pulling now is a 5-6 week old male :( no worries man thanks a heap il look out for any more signs of trouble and let you know :)



Active Member
Starting little clustera of balls on the tops so ahhh not happy. I have 3 left now out of 6 3 have been male i know 2 are defanitly female which is this one with the deformed leaf. And a nice bushy one the other one im not sure about yet luck sucks haa


Well-Known Member
It looks like you have too much nutes all together and your room temps are too high, from the way that thing is stretching, IMHO. How often do you feed, if any? If so, cut back half. If not, your dirt might be a little too hot (nutewise)


Active Member
Hey my temps stay inbetween 20-25c never go higher that one is the only one that is stretching if you have a look at my other thread all the other ones are bushes as i topped them early and my light stays about 15-20cm away as i have cooltube started wih a 130 watt cfl its atretching because its very sativa dominant also im using canna terra pro


Active Member
I would like advice please im not trying to tell you are wrong but i know what your talking about the soil being hot as canna terra pro is full of nitrogen and i fed her right after i trasplanted her a couple days later those leaves starting happening which is why im thinking niteogen overdose. I fed her water to run off yesterday ph at 5.9


Active Member
I didnt feed right after transplant but couple days after then couple days after that the leaves started and run off is always what i put it in as


Active Member
And sorry bro lil cranky tonite as the past 3 days i have pulled a male out everyday. Im now down to 3 and i think the other one may be a male :( i started with 6 probably going to end with 2 i hate seeing the little clusters forming and i dont care if its hermie its going lol. So i need to save this plant shes not to bad and problems will be resolved with your help what do you suggest no nutes for atleaste the next 2-3 waters? She dries out around every 5 days