How does she look?

Mystery strain. Found it growing in the grass it was about 4" tall. She had a bit of stress from transplanting but recovered quick. I tied her down and topped her 5 days ago. Looking at 8 bud sites so far. How doe she look? Just under 2 36w cfls. Any advice or in out? Thanks!20150625_124041.jpg
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Well-Known Member
Where did ya find it? could have been someones guerrilla grow?

How much you been watering?. I'd do a feed of calmag next water. How close are the lights? Gonna need much more light too.
Not a guerilla grow lol it was inches from a sidewalk downtown in a busy city with a lot of nightlife. No soil or anything, it was like someone dropped a seed lol. Maybe I am over watering, I'm watering I t every other or ever day depending on how dry the soil is.


Well-Known Member
Not a guerilla grow lol it was inches from a sidewalk downtown in a busy city with a lot of nightlife. No soil or anything, it was like someone dropped a seed lol. Maybe I am over watering, I'm watering I t every other or ever day depending on how dry the soil is.
it doesn't look that bad at all, but yes it does look a bit over watered.....let it go good and dry before watering again