What's the average yield for an outdoor grow in Socal?


Well-Known Member
@MjMama listen no offense but you watch too much tv. a lot of law is intention. i would never be in court bc there are 100s locally and 1000s in the state that have grows much, much larger. law enforcement does not have the resources to go to court. i have a great attorney and im not really worried. i suppose i would have posted about legal advice or help if i wanted it right? or are you just looking out for random people you dont know?

im sorry about your auntie, that's sad to hear really. we dont have legal concerns, i was just curious what people thought i could maybe harvest given the time of year, plant size and growing conditions. if you search for "san diego marijuana doctors" on google, there's an office offering exemptions. if what theyre doing is illegal, they have about 50-100 people coming in a day across years, you'd thing the feds would have stopped that operation?
You're a funny one. No time for tv between actually having a successful grow that I tend myself and spending time educating noobs like yourself. I quoted real life resources and laws. Sorry if you don't like the truth, but I don't much care for you anyway. People like you give growers a bad name on every level. The police and wildlife officials hate you for stealing water and abusing plant limits, trying to get rich off weed. And the med community resents you putting out crappy meds and trying to profit from them. You don't deserve a dime from what you're doing. You're like the McDonalds of marijuana.


Well-Known Member
Honestly strainbank from what you write I would guess less then six months of experience in the industry. You have little knowledge of the laws or the plant. If you actually need a good proven lawyer down here let me know. Cause urs is telling you some crap! I have plenty of friends arrested in sd county in the past 24 mo for weed. With their recs, imagine that. You guys are not safe from the law. I would kill the op, especially for the low yields coming. But I do like hiding behind your grow. So keep it up if you actually have one. Please!
Dude. I smoked and grew with a rec on probation. And guess what? My prob officer and the state knew about it the whole time. I've gone to court because my prob office didn't like it, and my house was searched and my grow had pics taken of it with around 100 clones and 25 plants. And guess what? The judge yelled at my prob officer when he found out I had my paperwork and told him that me being in court when I've gone through all the hoops t be legal and protected by state law, was a gigantic waste of the states time and money. So maybe in sd your buddies are getting busted slanging or have 100+ plants or just sd cops suck, but in la were not having that problem with the law.
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Well-Known Member
I guess having a state recorded medical condition and medical history that actually justifies smoking as medication helps...


Active Member
@757growin terrible guess, have a successful business grossing over $100k/mon and we dont touch ANY product. anyone of your friends who got in trouble were doing a lot of other illegal activities. if you really think people go to jail for growing marijuana i dont think there's a chance i can change your mind. it's what you do with the weed. example, if i want to grow 200 plants and harvest buds to make cannamulch to grow a putting green in my backyard, im not going to jail. now if your buddies want to grow massive amounts of weed and sell illegally to people, then yes they should be jail and should have talked to your attorney. ive been fine now since 2009 and have grown my company into almost every medical marijuana state.

im not sure how many times i have to repeat that my grow is TINY compared to the 1000s of others in california. you can hide behind my crop all you like, maybe you should google nsa prism program and determine how stealth youre op is lol.


Active Member
i wonder if people on this site are just super uptight or spiteful? i mean almost every comment mentioned the problems ill experience keeping the rest alive. if someone starts with 200 and and at the end of it all, only 20-50 make good plants, then you have a smaller grow. the only thing that makes news is when the feds crack down on 10s of 1,000s of plants or TONS of marijuana. i hope my ego doesnt change if i become a "well known member" one day haha.


Active Member
@MjMama wait a stressful grow and dealing with noobs? wow that's seems like a SUPER BUSY LIFE haha. i only have over 20 employees to manage and 100 websites hosted with me, but after hearing what youre managing i should have not said anything.

if people went to jail for what i was doing, there would be prisons/jails attached to gas stations.


Active Member
@MjMama mcdonalds of marijuana? i guess youre again assuming with what the product will be used for? anyways, cant comment on this. there are so many applications for marijuana now it's pathetic to still deal with "noobs" that think people still just smoke joints and buy pounds of outdoor these days. my guess mama is over 50 years of age and lives alone with a bunch of cats and RIU is the only place to pretend to have some authority or knowledge.

a marijuana grower giving advice to a marijuana business owner is like a mouse explaining nutrition to cats.


Active Member
i dont understand why anyone has to attack anyone here or be rude. in a community of people who enjoy cannabis, you'd think irritating people like @MjMama would have enough thc/cbd in their system to be calm and cheery. that's the one bad thing about forums is people think it's a world where authority is measured by posts/likes/trophies. im here to learn from growers and join a community, not get harassed.

how strangers have such heightened concern for others to actually be nasty is almost unthinkable. anyone with genuine concern would make a brief a comment and move on.


Well-Known Member
I think the issue is probably around 80% of larger scale growers are still just drug dealers. I owned a dispensary, we served terminal patients, do you really think if we have all of our paperwork up an legal and pay our taxes an such, that the local police are going to come after you? Maybe if you're in Fresno... I know a lot of growers up north, and the thing is, weed sells for more out of state, even when it mediocre outdoor. This leads to people trying to ship/drive weed they grow legally here to other parts of the country like NYC, this is why people I know are getting arrested. I only do personal runs at this point because of shady shit I was fed up with in the parts of dispensaries/potheads and decided it wasn't worth it. But I still have a few terminal patients I grow for as designated caregiver, and when I have extra from harvest I don't need I can just walk into one of around 20 dispensaries I tust in the area with whatever I have and they pik it up off me at whatever price I ask, no questions. If you have good product, it goes for a good donation every time, in state, all legal.
@kmog33 finally some god damn sense is being spoken!!! bro in sd were doing good too, it's socal, not texas.


Active Member
to everyone growing weed i want to report you all for stealing AIR haha. you cant steal water when you own the property. if the nazi government wants to make nazi rain collection laws then you cant stop a nazi government from doing nazi stuff. for all intents and purposes, using water, which a renewable resource, is something humans have been doing since the beginning of time.

if you have such a giant concern for water, you should be at water parks or sea world complaining. outdoor crops have large access to water form moisture in the soil. it's like people post and comment w/o reading anything.


Active Member
@kmog33 ok now it makes sense, you're a business owner so you actually have lived in the real world away from forums haha. it's all about intentions. if you intend on breaking the law then yes that's a crime. if you plan on helping patients then that's not against the (State) laws.

this is our first go at a grow and were doing it bc we have such easy access to killer genetics and clones. we had access to an amazing property with natural, fertile land that was near a stream all on ONE property. we did 500 plants bc we expected a lot to die since it was our first go. if all of them die then fine, but shit were not worried about going to jail.

simple example is all the shops that were getting raided no one went to jail the pigs just like keeping the drug war alive. medical marijuana laws protect people the feds have fun playing dress up. in court they cant do shit so they never bother, which is why again there are so many shops around blatantly ignoring restrictions on store fronts.

also, this is not a law debate, was asking about yield long ago....


Active Member
Yeah this thread exploded..

And back to yield and your plants. You should have not lost 300 clones. Was it a lack of water? Various reasons?
These so called growers your employing might need alot more guidance than you might be thinking. Do you know what the feeding schedule is?

How stressed do these remaining plants look or how stressed were they? Big factor in yield.


Well-Known Member
You own a nursery, a computer company and are funding this grow. Wtf are you doing online asking such stupid questions like what will I yeild. Do some law case research instead of being on here. I really believe you are making this whole story up.. sure hope not cause I like hiding behind youbongsmilie.
@ kmog ur not supposed to break any law on probation... including federal marijuana laws. I guess ur judge didn't want to enforce those laws or prop 47 saved your ass!


Well-Known Member
State cour
You own a nursery, a computer company and are funding this grow. Wtf are you doing online asking such stupid questions like what will I yeild. Do some law case research instead of being on here. I really believe you are making this whole story up.. sure hope not cause I like hiding behind youbongsmilie.
@ kmog ur not supposed to break any law on probation... including federal marijuana laws. I guess ur judge didn't want to enforce those laws or prop 47 saved your ass!
state court, sate probation, state laws. I didn't do federal system, I was an 18 yo that did some stupid shit, not a real criminal lol. The Feds have no interest in someone growing for personals an a few terminal patients. They want the idiots that are drivin across state lines, have thousands of plants, and do other illegal shit.


Well-Known Member
@MjMama mcdonalds of marijuana? i guess youre again assuming with what the product will be used for? anyways, cant comment on this. there are so many applications for marijuana now it's pathetic to still deal with "noobs" that think people still just smoke joints and buy pounds of outdoor these days. my guess mama is over 50 years of age and lives alone with a bunch of cats and RIU is the only place to pretend to have some authority or knowledge.

a marijuana grower giving advice to a marijuana business owner is like a mouse explaining nutrition to cats.
LMAO you are the least educated "marijuana business owner" I've ever seen. Strange but real growers happen to know more about the marijuana industry than anyone. But I'm to busy tending my cats to know any better....


Well-Known Member
i wonder if people on this site are just super uptight or spiteful? i mean almost every comment mentioned the problems ill experience keeping the rest alive. if someone starts with 200 and and at the end of it all, only 20-50 make good plants, then you have a smaller grow. the only thing that makes news is when the feds crack down on 10s of 1,000s of plants or TONS of marijuana. i hope my ego doesnt change if i become a "well known member" one day haha.
its the water thing and no pics.... if you have groudwater awsome.
you asked what a bunch of smaller time growers who get permits and fight in court and such what we thought...
welll i hope you get your big dirty:)