homemade mdma

i downloaded that book when i created this thread, after thumbing thru it , it has a shit ton of good info. thanks for all the recommendations! like i said i have no formal chem education. i have extreme respect for the chemicals and exercise common sense at every turn. ill be getting borosilicate glass then, i just assumed pyrex made this type of stuff. when i have all the shit ill be shooting a few pms to members on here looking for advice,2nd 3rd opinions, make sure all my (mrE)ducks are in a row ;) if i take my time, double check shit, i should only fuck it up once lol
Read Zubrick thoroughly. He's full of great info and really breaks stuff down well.
Before you start any step make sure you have it committed to memory. While you're running a reaction is no time to be checking the recipe. Rewriting the procedure helps commit it to memory.
Implosions are a serious risk and you're going to be a few feet away watching for HOURS. Imagine your setup exploding and showering you with shards of cheap Chinese glass and hot organic chemicals. Think long and hard on that before you buy. You can cheap out on most of the glass but not stuff that's under vacuum for hours.
Or,and a pressure valve in his case...worked excellent,from waaaaay over here.:-)
any/all advice /tips arewelcomed! anyone fuck up a cook,if so how? id love to know where people made any kind of error so i can try to not make the same one :P
Or,and a pressure valve in his case...worked excellent,from waaaaay over here.:-)
Not sure how that would help. You need sustained vacuum for the distillation which is going to stress the glass. If it gets stressed enough to fail nothing is stopping that. An enclosure with a safety shield is always recommended.
Not sure how that would help. You need sustained vacuum for the distillation which is going to stress the glass. If it gets stressed enough to fail nothing is stopping that. An enclosure with a safety shield is always recommended.
Not valve but regulator.kept it outvof the redline area for extended times...