Marijuana is not natural


Well-Known Member
I never said alcohol was good or better than marijauna. Wow if only I got this many responces to my grow help threads.


Well-Known Member
Not to knock weed or anything but I'm just a little annoyed when I hear people say "its natural!" "its from the earth" so for that reason ts better than alcohol... Lets look at this more.

Alcohol is made from plants that come from the ground. High quality alcohol is made through a rather complex process but can be simplified with a reduced quality.

marijuana is a plant that comes from the ground. But in order to get the stuff you want you must remove the males, there in lies the human touch. Not only that but marijuana growing can be just as complex as making alcohol. It all depends on the quality you want.

Not to mention once you light it you change the chemical structure of it, making it a whole different story.

I'm not saying I don't think weed is better than alcohol, I'm just saying that one claim just isn't very accurate to me.
females can still bud if a male is in the may create seeds in the female tho


Active Member
well, this thread is stupid because mj IS natural. It occurs in nature, without any human uhh,, ya



Well-Known Member
Dammit 0bama you beat me...I was going to do the same thing. I can't believe the thread went this long though, there isn't a lot to argue. Plant = natural. And while alcohol may occur naturally, Budweiser and Jack Daniels are generally mass-produced.


Well-Known Member
Alcohol does not come to be aclochol naturally..there has to be human interferance to make it alcohol..have you ever heard of alcohol made by nature on its own??? no but ive heard of marijuana doing that..a plant can grow with no human interferance..alcohol cannot be made with outit..there for alcohol is not natural..natural comes from the word NATURE..weed is grown in NATURE alcohol is not


Well-Known Member

Marijuana Is A Plant. THC Is A Chemical That Was Originally Made By In Nature. Even If Grown Indoor In An Artificial Ecosystem, The Plant And Its Fruits Are Still Natural.
+Rep! Short and sweet!^^^


Heres some info every pot smoker should know! (I'm proud to be a pot smoker!)

YouTube - Grow more pot! Part 1
YouTube - Grow more pot! Part 2

YouTube - Hemp For Victory

(I don't know if hemp oils actually cures cancer, but I wouldn't doubt it. This is an interesting watch.)
YouTube - RUN FROM THE CURE - The Rick Simpson Story (Part 1 of 7)
YouTube - RUN FROM THE CURE - The Rick Simpson Story (Part 2 of 7)
YouTube - RUN FROM THE CURE - The Rick Simpson Story (Part 3 of 7)
Etc etc.

YouTube - bob marley talks about herb n control
YouTube - Bob Marley on Herb and Prohibition

Or you guys could listen to the gov'ts propaganda nonsense! They make it out like Herb is some kind of bad drug. MJ is a natural remedy for the masses! More people should use MJ and everyone should have the right to grow Marijuana!

The REVOLUTION has begun!


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Well-Known Member
its natural because the human race creates it. Whats not natural about that..

its like stem cells

natural but ... .. . lol you get the picture
Wait...I may be having a stoned moment here, but did you just say that the human race CREATES marijuana....:-? That's can't be what you meant, because that would just be fucking retarded. :grin:

I never said alcohol was good or better than marijauna. Wow if only I got this many responces to my grow help threads.
It's because of the title of the thread. People read it, wonder what the fuck you're talking about, and come to correct you.

Alcohol does not come to be aclochol naturally..there has to be human interferance to make it alcohol..have you ever heard of alcohol made by nature on its own??? no but ive heard of marijuana doing that..a plant can grow with no human interferance..alcohol cannot be made with outit..there for alcohol is not natural..natural comes from the word NATURE..weed is grown in NATURE alcohol is not
+rep to you sir, for your last couple posts here.


Well-Known Member
Wait...I may be having a stoned moment here, but did you just say that the human race CREATES marijuana....:-? That's can't be what you meant, because that would just be fucking retarded. :grin:

It's because of the title of the thread. People read it, wonder what the fuck you're talking about, and come to correct you.

+rep to you sir, for your last couple posts here.
why thank you mam..i might just give a little love back:mrgreen: even though you dont need it:lol:


Active Member
Marijuana is natural since its a plant.. duh.. Maybe SMOKING it is not. In any case I dont see the obsession over drugs being "natural" or not.. In the end it doesn't mean shit, there are plenty of 'natural' things that are terrible for your body and plenty of man made things that are perfectly healthy.
In the end natural or not doesn't make a difference.
I realize this wasn't the point of the topic but it just pisses me off when people think if its natural its not bad for you; they think god wouldn't put something on earth that would hurt em or some shit xD.


Well-Known Member
dude, jesus ate of a natural apple tree just like she smokeed buds from a natural mjay plant.. this thread should be closed.. take a college credited science course


Well-Known Member
only read the first page, didn't want to read on. the theory wiggidy whack. straight up.


Well-Known Member
the process of making alcohol is far more unnatural than that of marijuana growing, which is entirely natural in most cases.


Well-Known Member
u can let marijuana grow in a field without any human touch....some of the best dank is grown without human touch...climate is a huge factor....geographics...etc....this plant is like a superhuman plant..i m still high


Well-Known Member
Pot not natural? Lets break this down

Alcohol comes from a natural growing plant, we chop it down, ferment-distill however the hell it work, i dont pay enough attention to alcohol to really care or ever need to know...all i know is it tastes like shit(cept for beer and jager) and i dont drink very often...but ill still kill a 5th in a night and be able to walk and talk just fine.

Goold ol' mary. She sprouts from a seed that all we do is water. put it in some dirt that came from where? the ground. Give it some light, and it sprouts a plant. Now, so far theres no human interaction outside of planting in which if humans werent here, she could do just fine on her own. NEXT, we throw some light on it, natural or lamp. regardless of, light is natural, more water, more light, change the seasons for her, then cut her and hang her upside down to dry. obviously thers more to it like adding nutrients etc but for the most part it boils down to a plant a seed and let it grow.

Grab a potatoe and let it ferment.