
Active Member
behold yourself
sooo i just had a flashback. when i was in 4th grade lol i did a science project and won 2nd place out of the whole school.sheesh i was smart once.

long story short the project was based on 2 sets of 4 plants i had.
1st 4 plants---one heard classic music,one heard rap,one heard heavy metal, and one no music for 2 months
result---classic music grew the most ,then no music,rap, and heavy,metal did horrible

2nd 4 plants----one fed water,one fed gatorade,one fed Hawaiian punch,& one fed redbull
result----gatorade best,exceptionally better then water, punch and redbull damn near dead

so now the quetion is what effect would gatorade & classic music have on MJ??

some might think its retarded ,,, but how bout we break down gatorade? where my nerds @!!

all input welcomed


Well-Known Member
Electrolytes , like people plants use potassium and and other elements that are in Gatorade. Just as carbonated water infuses C02 to root systems and as a gas thru soil and plant.


Well-Known Member
It is known that music and talking does influence some growth. They are living organisms after all. And even experiments with pyramid forms built over plants have showed accelerated growth. ( X-files music starts playing ) :mrgreen:


Active Member
Electrolytes , like people plants use potassium and and other elements that are in Gatorade. Just as carbonated water infuses C02 to root systems and as a gas thru soil and plant.
so should i/would u feed gatorade to your plant??
now carbonated water ..whaaat?? roots need oxygen . its the leaves that use the co2 . how would carbonated water help? dont think it would


Well-Known Member
Carbonated water releases Co2 into the soil matrix . Some growers have experimented with it and seems plausible . As far as using Gatorade as water source or feed , I would say no. It would most likely kill the microbial life within soil ( which you don't want to happen ). The KEEP IT SIMPLE STUPID method is the best approach.

But if you want to play DR. FRANKENSTEIN with some test subjects , then go for it . Just use common bagseed , keep the good genetics for proper growing.


Well-Known Member
I think it would need to be done a few times to know if the results weren't a fluke or something like that, but interesting none the least.


Well-Known Member
But Gatorade has what plants crave. It's got electrolytes.
the electrolytes in gatorade is just salt, one salt sodium (chloride) the other potassium (chloride). you dont think the salts would just build up and do more harm then good? i have no idea just throwing that thought out there. I know plants need potassium especially during flower so im guessing that its just the potassium helping the plants and not so much the sodium?


Well-Known Member
He was just quoting an old movie called idiocracy.

My same sentiment towards this thread.bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
lololol oh god. That made my day ^^ and ya salt buildup might be an issue. Hahahaha! And if u haven't seen idiocracy watch it. It's a good movie.


Active Member
I have heard of some pretty strange things, using gatorade in the garden is a first for me though. :eyesmoke:
but i also read in fewer-words that gatorade/vitamin water provides great P/K and the sugars actually wash away the salts easier. the sugar actually frosts up the buds more ,overnight !. and its not intended for evereyfeed just like anyother nutes.
but anyways
thats what this grow im doing is all about,,weird & strange
i got a dead goldfish in my soil !!
i feed my plants with powdered eggshells and pondwater home to dozens of goldfishes
my plants 7 weeks in veg & i just topped/fimmed 4 more tops to get atleast 8 more within a week
lights on 24hrs & a homemade co2 generator running
shit ive been readin and watching some weird grows that are dipping stems in dyed h2o to manipulate color-& im thinkin bout tryin dat
i learned there are lots of critics in this forum RIU with opinions ..but facts are their is no correct way of growing
& if it works cant knock the hustle


Active Member
but i also read in fewer-words that gatorade/vitamin water provides great P/K and the sugars actually wash away the salts easier. the sugar actually frosts up the buds more ,overnight !. and its not intended for evereyfeed just like anyother nutes.
but anyways
thats what this grow im doing is all about,,weird & strange
i got a dead goldfish in my soil !!
i feed my plants with powdered eggshells and pondwater home to dozens of goldfishes
my plants 7 weeks in veg & i just topped/fimmed 4 more tops to get atleast 8 more within a week
lights on 24hrs & a homemade co2 generator running
shit ive been readin and watching some weird grows that are dipping stems in dyed h2o to manipulate color-& im thinkin bout tryin dat
i learned there are lots of critics in this forum RIU with opinions ..but facts are their is no correct way of growing
& if it works cant knock the hustle
edit: p.s i am yet to experience any deficiencies with this grow. i split a stem in half while lsting by accident and it rapidly healed and mended back together. this plant is thriving exceptionally :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
To animal rights activists, things like this are exactly why we have test monkeys...

Show some respect nowatimsayin


Active Member
Still drinkin cough syrup?
shiit abe u the only shit talker i like. tell these hoes to hop off my thread.
at the end of the day my results are much better than most and 100% better then these niggas subliminally typing smack like some bitches<<for no reason at that


Active Member
theres many great discussions in RIU that get ignorant lonely scumbags putting there two cents in with no relevance to anything

i am solely here to share my experience and get help, and ides with growing.
not bicker and troll ,spam,pollute
its hard out here in the forums ...real gangsta:finger: