Problem with buds late flower, kills whole crop-PLEASE HELP!! PICS

Hello..ive noticed this same issue happen to a friend who grows but he saw it start earlier ( he uses fox farm) Mine did not show until late flower ( maybe cause im using advance?) and its keeping the plan stronger/healthier? I notice when the plant is weaker and or under stress this issue tends to take over instantly and show more. When the plant is in good health it moves a lot slower. Is this grey mold? Bud rot? It looks like seed pods, but its not a male or hermy. you can see it in the first two.. it seems to start from the bottom and works it way up.. The last pic is the bud towards the tops.. it is fine for now, but if i do not fix this issue that beautiful bud will be taken over also and I will have to throw everything out!!
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Well-Known Member
I don't see anything that resembles male flowers. Budrot starts at the core and spreads outward, cut one open and look for the fungus.
I did... there is no type of fungus.. it resembles a bundle of male seeds but its not.. this ones stumped me that is for sure! and its taking out my whole crop as we speak! it starts at the bottom of the bud and deforms it until it converts it over into all seed type pods - ish.
Looks like she has been pollinated. I believe I see a seed in your last pic. ( middle, right side of the bud)

I do have the banana peel on the accosoinal top bud... I've heard once those pop they can pollinate your plants.. if so, how can i stop it spreading? how come its starting only at the bottom and working its way up and killing the leaves with it.


Well-Known Member
Your leaves dieing is likely a different problem. They could have been pollinated in any number of ways. Anyone growing around you could of had male plants and the wind picked it up and got on your clothes or air coming in from outside. Pollen can travel very far. Open a few of the sacs to see if there is a undeveloped seed inside. If your plant isn't pollinated, I have no idea what's wrong. Better pics would help.


Well-Known Member
I do have the banana peel on the accosoinal top bud... I've heard once those pop they can pollinate your plants.. if so, how can i stop it spreading? how come its starting only at the bottom and working its way up and killing the leaves with it.
Sorry I didn't read this very clearly. Your saying you did see the banana like pods on your plant?. So yes she's going to have seeds now. No there's really nothing you can do about it. Stop pulling buds off and let her finish flowering. It's not the end of the world.