lowryders burnt ?


Active Member
Can anyone help with this? Got what i think is burn from the exessive heat here, i have used a very mild nute with a small amount of bloom as they have just started flowering! The heat where the plants are is way over but i cant do anything about it apart from move them into the shade! One plant has just the one spot on it, the other plant has a few and is wilting slighty. Any coments would be much appreciated, thanks!



Active Member
I would say it looks like you added to much nutrients, wait a while and see if it re-occurs on new leaves. If so, give the baby a nice a nice bath.


Active Member
they are just under a month now, i reckon the heat has stunned the growth! the one that has more patches, burn, whatever you want to call it has just started flowering, you cant see the pistils because they are so small, it only started showing pistils a few day ago now! like weezer said to me before, they are well behind but i put it down to the excessive heat! its bastard boiling here lol i dont mind but the poor lil ladies dont like it


Active Member
thanks for the replys to all as well! i reckon its nute burn too now, thinking about it they were fine till i added some nutes! i have read lowryders dont need nutes! whats everyone reckon?


Active Member
definitely hold on the nutes for a while. honestly, u will get so much more yield if you get tht heat outta there!. just by a fan or ask about for everyones old computer fan and wire em all to the same wire as your 1st fan...... and remember, always have the fans extracting air and a passive intake.
peace bud


Active Member
i would if i was growing indoors! its outside in spain, all i can do is move them so they have some direct sunlight,(about 5-6 hours) then the rest of the day in the shade but even then the temps here have been 35 in the shade! you seen jorge cervantes grow dvd #2? ppl on there are growing all over spain outside and they have no problems with the heat, saying that, i think ppl here mostly grow sativas! thanks for the reply again mate! can i ask what you have growing?


Active Member
i would if i was growing indoors! its outside in spain, all i can do is move them so they have some direct sunlight,(about 5-6 hours) then the rest of the day in the shade but even then the temps here have been 35 in the shade! you seen jorge cervantes grow dvd #2? ppl on there are growing all over spain outside and they have no problems with the heat, saying that, i think ppl here mostly grow sativas! thanks for the reply again mate! can i ask what you have growing?
sorry about that lol, yea i can see why fans wouldn't work for you then :). Erm living in england i dont think i would have that problem lol.i can only suggest shade mate.

and im growing big bud atm. im gunna start a grow journal soon so ill let you know.


Active Member
nice! i grew b-52 when in england, nice yeilds with that! also grew black widow and bubbleicous, fucking blackwidow went mental lol ended up just under 8 feet tall lol


Active Member
yeah nice off them all! the black widow was a lot stronger, almost kerosene smell and the first joint knocked me on ma ass, not smoked for week then had a fat j of that, i was not expecting it to have grown too well as that was my first ever grow lol