how to grow mushrooms the easy way

I don't see them lasting years. Spores are meant to either germinate or dry.

I believe that oersustant immersion in water will eventually degrade them.

If you want to go long term, either get a print or squirt your syringe into a sterile container and let it dry.

I've seen syringes (of other mushrooms) fail in a year. I've had prints work after ten.
3 days may not be long enough depending on the pills' half-life and your body, length on the meds etc. . I was on SSRIs for years and years and even having a month between ceasing taking them and a 150ug acid trip, the effects of the acid were still diminished.

I have to keep this in mind as well... Seems like just for the initial prep of the grain and casing do you have to be totally alone... Most everything else could just be done in a locked room. I'm thinking of keeping my jars stashed under my bed or in my closet.

I've read as long as you keep them refrigerated you can keep em for a loooong time (years)
so how can i be sure my specific medications do not hinder my trip?
Groovy man! I personally like using rye berries. A bit harder to shake, but that's no problem. My favorite strain is Golden Teachers. I use an All American 941. I love it! A bit more in cost, but I can pressure can fish, venison, or whatever else. Lately, I prefer LSD over shrooms though myself. The fantastic cleanliness of it is much easier on this old body these days.
Hey canndo, so I've followed your tek rather closely, and am at the stage where I should be seeing mycelium growing as I innoculated my jars about 2-3 weeks ago. I haven't noticed any mycelium yet, just a small amount of cloudy white on the bottom of a few of the jars that hasn't grown at all. I lost a single jar to green mold.

Does this mean my syringes were bunk? Should I purchase a couple new syringes and attempt to innoculate again?
Hey canndo, so I've followed your tek rather closely, and am at the stage where I should be seeing mycelium growing as I innoculated my jars about 2-3 weeks ago. I haven't noticed any mycelium yet, just a small amount of cloudy white on the bottom of a few of the jars that hasn't grown at all. I lost a single jar to green mold.

Does this mean my syringes were bunk? Should I purchase a couple new syringes and attempt to innoculate again?

Did you try to shake the jars yet? If not. Shake em up like your a bartender and while you wait, make some more jars with 2cc's of spores. 3 or mor cc's may throw off your moisture a little. Just don't put too little an amount. They could be growing in the center of your popcorn mass.
Also. I got my syringes from thesporedepot@com. Put SHROOMERY in the checkout comments. They sent me a free syringe.
Good luck. Keep trying. The less cc's you use, the longer it will take to move.
You should have seen growthvat day five at the latest. You should bebling past full colonization by now. You may have inoculated too hot or you got a bad syringe.
Guessing a bad syringe seeing as the jars were left to cool overnight. If I order new ones could I simply re-innoculate my same jars or will I have to start over?
If you go to tsd for spores. Their Argentina, Transkei, Treasure Coast, and F+ have been really moving in the over blown jars I made. They appear to be resilient and are ok with my buildings varying temps. I'll probably be casing in a coupla days.

I would at least re-pc the corn.

You had absolutely nothing form this whole time?

That sucks. Then again. My very first cakes ever took weeks, and didn't contam. Even then, I innoculated those in March of that year. Very cold in my crib that winter. But this is pcorn. You shoulda had somethin by now.
If you go to tsd for spores. Their Argentina, Transkei, Treasure Coast, and F+ have been really moving in the over blown jars I made. They appear to be resilient and are ok with my buildings varying temps. I'll probably be casing in a coupla days.

I would at least re-pc the corn.

You had absolutely nothing form this whole time?

That sucks. Then again. My very first cakes ever took weeks, and didn't contam. Even then, I innoculated those in March of that year. Very cold in my crib that winter. But this is pcorn. You shoulda had somethin by now.
Just some white cloudiness in the bottom of a couple, but I shook and there was no change. My place is usually around 22C
So I can re-innoculate those same jars?
Just some white cloudiness in the bottom of a couple, but I shook and there was no change. My place is usually around 22C

So I can re-innoculate those same jars?
Unless I'm mistaken... Keep the cloudies on the side for a little bit. But, the ones that have absolutely no movement, re-pc and use different spores. Since there is no current contam. You could always get a second chance at the sub.
Thereason I said to keep the cloudies is that they may be slow starting, or you didnt get your moisture level correct. That has happened to me. And then, all of a sudden, they're moving.

Good luck. Dont get discouraged. No contams means that you crossesed a huuuggge hurdle. Now its only silly shit to deal with. Good job.
Its all an just an experiment.
Just some white cloudiness in the bottom of a couple, but I shook and there was no change. My place is usually around 22C

So I can re-innoculate those same jars?

I also ordered from spores101 in the past. They may be closer to you. Also sporeworks.
I'm about to start my first mushroom grow, I was going to do 6 jars so I bought half the amount of popcorn. Half filled all 12 of the jars and there is still a shit ton of popcorn left :lol:. I'm going to try and inoculate my jars using the oven method, really hoping this works out. I want to have at least one jar make it for my first time :). I bought my spores for the spore depot, going to be here today shipped really fast.

Was also wondering if you flip the lids back over so that it seals after you've sterilized your substrate jars? Or do you just keep them upside down the whole way through?
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I'm about to start my first mushroom grow, I was going to do 6 jars so I bought half the amount of popcorn. Half filled all 12 of the jars and there is still a shit ton of popcorn left :lol:. I'm going to try and inoculate my jars using the oven method, really hoping this works out. I want to have at least one jar make it for my first time :). I bought my spores for the spore depot, going to be here today shipped really fast.

Was also wondering if you flip the lids back over so that it seals after you've sterilized your substrate jars? Or do you just keep them upside down the whole way through?
I had the same thing with the popcorn, there's so much :o I used 1/2 pint jars and halved the amount of popcorn suggested and still only used maybe 1/3rd of it haha