i was just giving him an idea incase he didnt want to grow a bunch of plants. my buddy gets an average of a 1/4 pound per plant growing the way i said. if it is just some smoke for you than i would grow a big plant. plus a couple plants is eaiser to take care of and is cheaper than a bunch.
Sure, you can get more weight per plant from larger plants, but plants which are allowed to have lower branches will produce small, fluffy buds which are hard to manicure on those lowers. SoG only produces top colas and the golfballs on the mainstem just below it, so average bud density goes way up. Each bud cluster has about the same number of bud leaves, top to bottom, but the clusters on the top of the plant have much more bud mass, meaning you spend less time per gram manicuring and get better avg quality buds to boot.
The result of SoG style pruning; about an oz on the hoof in this average budstalk
SoG further wins the per sq ft yield competition with bushy plants hands-down because you can fit 4-6 SoG pruned plants in the same floorspace, easily doubling the yield for amt of lighted flowering space. Those poorly producing lower branches take up a lot of space and interfere with airflow, meaning they are effectively more trouble than they're worth. In SoG, we just don't grow any small lower branches.
If you MUST keep a very low plant count, SoG is not for you. In that case, you should grow a small number of 'mainstem lopped' style plants.
The result of mainstem-lopped style growing
This style has the mainstem lopped soon after the clone has set root. This will force the plant to branch. It then needs about 2 weeks of vegging to increase the size of those branches before flowering.
Perpetual harvest isn't possible with this method unless you have a separate area where you can veg the mainstem-lopped plants (can be shared with mother plants, tho) until they are ready to go into a dedicated flowering area, which has 12/12 light at all times. SoG normally eliminates this need for an additional lighted area for vegging as clones are given no veg time post setting root.