
I recently started a small indoor grow and my first seed to show great potentiai i put in a mixture of used coffee grownds and egg compost (that was in a air tight bag for god knows how long in the sun) with good soil almost instently i start seeing tons of gnats in my room i check the soil compost mix multiple times and saw nothing. I planted my second sprout in the same soil no compost. The 2nd one has grow substantially in a few days while the other never came out the dirt i saw the gnats where HIGHLY atracted to the compost but didnt look like a fungus speciese. The next day (today) still no sign but gnats ar gone i gently dig to the top of the sprout finding live and dead larvea in soil. VERY small white no other characteristics. The sprout had the shell stuck half way on but easily came of the sprout looks ready but ifeel the larvea where the problem what should i do?


Well-Known Member
Throw the cup with the compost away. Throw the rest of the bag compost away. Never do that again. I hope we all learned something today.


I did alot of research on it lots of growers use the mixture and ive grow vegies and spices in the same mixture for years i got rid of most larvea sprout is starting to get its green color thanks for the "helpful" advice


Active Member
people here really give bad advice but I think your going to hard on your first grow use a actual soil first and then start brushing up on skills don't waste your time doing uncommon things or you'll be alone the whole grow with multiple issues, if u do have an issue all the well known members will over think n give bad info so accept the fact ur alone. Hours of reseatching is what u need

Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
Any soil or compost that you get from stores that is stored outside 9 times out of 10 will have fungus gnats. The best way to combat this at home is to incorporate mosquito dunks, which contain BTi, will aid greatly in the control of fungus gnats. Causing zero harm to your plants. As for as the eggshells go, just a waste of time in a short term grow. They take a very long time to decompose and become available to your plants. Used coffee grounds can be a great and ready source of N for plants. Along with a host of trace goodies.


Its not my first grow i wont say im experienced but ive committed the last 5 almost 6 years of my life to reaserching all things cannabis to make the best medicine i can im not new to any of these forums just recenly signed up nd most of the best advice ive hd was from here i was experimenting with the mixture because ofwhat ive read for the coffee being a good source of nitrogen nd sone nutrients and thank you for the info alex i definetly wont mak the mistake again and i wish i could hit like on that last one cx


Well-Known Member
Hey I'm sorry if I came off a little harsh, but you might want to do a little more research on how to compost. It's not just putting stuff in a bag and letting it rot. I grow outdoors and use my own compost every year. Your air tight bag is where you went wrong, not what you choose to put in it. You have to treat compost like a living thing because it is, it needs air, food and water. Good try, try again without the bag.


Thank you and its fine another thing ima study up on now honestly i didnt know that or much really on composting so thank you for the advise