Attn ALL Female Members of RIU

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Well-Known Member
damn..girls on this site really love eachother..i think i should pretend to be a girl now so i can get that kinda love


New Member
I can't hold booze at all:spew:
Anyone could drink me under the table
I do think it is hilarious being with drunk people though
Its just very odd being with drunk people when you are mellow and high ....quiet etc.....and they are loud and sometimes obnoxious

while I was away on my trip I really wanted to meet some people to hand over some dope to and toke with but I was too shy and most people were semi drunk. night I took my dogs for a walk about 1/2 km from our motel and while walking around a pond saw a new couple...maybe first date...get out of a car from a was near a pond with ducks ......really romantic setting and all.......

there were even fountains with colours lights and all. it actually was quite beautiful. :mrgreen:

anyway they cut down off the bank and are walking in front of me
the woman is drunk and in a mini dress

all of a sudden she decides to go to the water's edge
(I think she is going to call the ducks over or something sweet like that)
she squats down and pisses at the edge of the pond:?

Here is a pic of the pond
I don't drink often, but I can hold my drink when I do. One of our friends was the designated driver, and there are a few pics of her giving everyone the mother look.


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New Member
Anything for you hon..:mrgreen:
*tackles Lacy and smothers her with love* Thanks girl, that's good to hear. I think I can do it too, I know I can, it's just that it's the first time it's ever mattered to me. I've given speeches before, but they were always school things, and I never took them too seriously. And because I didn't take them seriously, I didn't get nervous, and so I did well.

But this is her WEDDING. This is going to be recorded and kept FOREVER. If I fuck this up...well, fucking this up is not an option. Yes it IS going to be recorded BUT don't over analyze the bleep out of that point either.

If you get too worked up about that part of it , your speech won't sound natural.

I think that's a good idea, I need to just start jotting down ideas and phrases. I was thinking about what I'd say today, and I started getting all emotional! I don't want to cry!
You will probably cry no matter how many times you reherse it BUT it will also sound heart warming and natural and THAT is what counts.

Just be yourself gurl. :mrgreen: You don't want it sounding too perfect either.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
*tackles Lacy and smothers her with love* Thanks girl, that's good to hear. I think I can do it too, I know I can, it's just that it's the first time it's ever mattered to me. I've given speeches before, but they were always school things, and I never took them too seriously. And because I didn't take them seriously, I didn't get nervous, and so I did well.

But this is her WEDDING. This is going to be recorded and kept FOREVER. If I fuck this up...well, fucking this up is not an option.

I think that's a good idea, I need to just start jotting down ideas and phrases. I was thinking about what I'd say today, and I started getting all emotional! I don't want to cry!


New Member
JESUS CHRIST YOU GUYS! I have to give a speech this Saturday in front of over 150 people at my best friend's wedding! I'm scared....not really....sorta....I dunno. It's been a while since I had to give a speech of any kind. I used to be ok with it, but that's cuz I would just get up there and wing it.

This is my best friend's wedding! Is it ok to just get up there and wing it? Some people say you should just have a general idea and wing it from there, so it comes from the heart. Some people say you should write it out and memorize it so you don't fuck it up.

Someone tell me what I should do! I'm scared :sad:
my one and only wedding speech was at my brothers wedding 30 years ago and the one lesson I learned was....don't be stoned.....


Well-Known Member
what is this clit thing you speak of stoney? and who the fuck in their right mind would get married in the first place....????
"in their right mind" -- is the key phrase in this question.

my one and only wedding speech was at my brothers wedding 30 years ago and the one lesson I learned was....don't be stoned.....
I'm not even drinking until I give this speech. This isn't some small wedding of just close friends. This is 156 people at a fancy shmancy place in Malibu. Being stoned is not an option. Although if I can get away, I'm tokin up AFTER, that's for damn sure.


Well-Known Member
I'm not saying I won't use the wedding to get laid, I'm just saying I don't need to :grin: A lot of guys I haven't seen in a while are going to be there. It'll be interesting.
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