Jeb Bush: "Americans need to work longer hours"


Well-Known Member
We should also start sending our children back into the coal mines too
All the progress that the average working man has made is disappearing thanks to the right wing extremist


Well-Known Member
We should also start sending our children back into the coal mines too
All the progress that the average working man has made is disappearing thanks to the right wing extremist
Oh and let's not forget Ronnie Raygun's words of encouragement to the elderly to work in nuclear power plants. His reasoning? The elderly should work there because they will die before time to tumor. :hump: I'm just trying to imagine how it would go if my mom's shaky hands were at a reactor control panel.

The leaders of the reactionary right (I can't call them conservative because they are not) don't understand the concept of work. Their idea of work is to attend a few meetings then play a round of golf. The blue collar supporters of the party of the reactionary right work their asses off though. The get my respect for that. They have poor judgement on who to follow though when they are told the answer to their financial strain is to just work harder. @see4 gets it. Learn as much as you can and work smart.


Well-Known Member
Oh and let's not forget Ronnie Raygun's words of encouragement to the elderly to work in nuclear power plants. His reasoning? The elderly should work there because they will die before time to tumor. :hump: I'm just trying to imagine how it would go if my mom's shaky hands were at a reactor control panel.

The leaders of the reactionary right (I can't call them conservative because they are not) don't understand the concept of work. Their idea of work is to attend a few meetings then play a round of golf. The blue collar supporters of the party of the reactionary right work their asses off though. The get my respect for that. They have poor judgement on who to follow though when they are told the answer to their financial strain is to just work harder. @see4 gets it. Learn as much as you can and work smart.


Well-Known Member
Oh, and @desert dude you suck at life. If you cared to read and listen to that report, it said the opposite of what your troll ass said at the beginning. An expert a trolling you are. I guess that you can take comfort in that as you sit alone in your cell and laugh. Fucker

desert dude

Well-Known Member
Oh, and @desert dude you suck at life. If you cared to read and listen to that report, it said the opposite of what your troll ass said at the beginning. An expert a trolling you are. I guess that you can take comfort in that as you sit alone in your cell and laugh. Fucker
I seem to have gotten you all spun up and out of kilter. :-)

You are correct about this being a troll thread. That is all it was from the start, and I knew which group would snap up the bait when I posted it. It's OK, though, I will throw you back in the fetid pond so I can haul your air-gulping ass back out in future.


Well-Known Member
I seem to have gotten you all spun up and out of kilter. :-)

You are correct about this being a troll thread. That is all it was from the start, and I knew which group would snap up the bait when I posted it. It's OK, though, I will throw you back in the fetid pond so I can haul your air-gulping ass back out in future.
Ahhaaahhaaaahhaaaa! You sure got me there. Man you are soooo good at this. What great skill you have.
Enjoy your solitutde
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Well-Known Member
Next time, nibble, don't swallow. That's what every bottom feeding fish should do.
didn't you rat out a member to the feds (your employer) and then celebrate when he got prison time, but only after you tried to play dumb about it?

that was by far your best troll of all time. sending a grower to prison.



Well-Known Member
Next time, nibble, don't swallow. That's what every bottom feeding fish should do.
You just need to look at my signature line to see how much I care about your little stunt. I don't care that you got your nuts off by trolling. Its a pretty stupid thing to do and more so to take pleasure out of. Dude you are stagnating and becoming repetitive.

I predict that your next move is to come out with another cynical jab -- never anything helpful or interesting.

I'll help by getting it started. YUP (spit) yer shure a (fill in the blank)
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Well-Known Member
Koch brothers would love to move weekly hours to 50 before overtime, I'm sure. Jeb fits right in. Just like his wooden-headed puppet brother.


Well-Known Member
I kinda like Dubya. Not as a politician and definitely not as president, even I would be a better president. But still, he's kinda cool.
Yeah, he was way over his head as a president but you could see his slap on the back ways could work well in a different profession. I think maybe a bread truck delivery driver. He'd show up, say something inane but cheerful in his high pitched voice, have a nickname for every shop owner and whistle while wheeling in the bread. He'd look good in that uniform too.


Well-Known Member
I kinda like Dubya. Not as a politician and definitely not as president, even I would be a better president. But still, he's kinda cool.
He's a stupid dick. And his immigration plans were to let in Mexicans as Guest workers and undercut American labor. Instead of just making them citizens