• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Is it possible not to come back?


Well-Known Member
I've been smoking salvia extracts recently, mainly because the first time I actually "went" places it really intrigued me that our conscious can be sent spinning chaotically through different realms.

A few days ago I smoked a very small amount, way less then what I usually would smoke on top of some bud and I instantly went spinning I remember seeing a grid of my room and it seemed that every picture of my room was a completely different time and i was being pulled into one that wasn't my original grid, I was alone in my room but I remember dropping my bong and hear it shatter. I was laying on the ground and my 2 close friends were trying to pick me up yelling my name but all I saw were the back of their heads it felt as if they were trying to pull me into this new alternate reality which scared me and I really thought I would be stuck in this new grid for the rest of my life. I remember sitting in my computer chair sideways expecting it to transport me back :lol:

When I finally came to my bong was sitting on my desk and no one was in my room, I was yelling "Hello!?" expecting a response from my 2 friends who were never even in the room with me. For the next like 10 minutes I was trying to figure out if I was actually back in my reality or not. Ever since this I'm a bit afraid of trying it again, It felt and looked so real.


Well-Known Member
I've been smoking salvia extracts recently, mainly because the first time I actually "went" places it really intrigued me that our conscious can be sent spinning chaotically through different realms.

A few days ago I smoked a very small amount, way less then what I usually would smoke on top of some bud and I instantly went spinning I remember seeing a grid of my room and it seemed that every picture of my room was a completely different time and i was being pulled into one that wasn't my original grid, I was alone in my room but I remember dropping my bong and hear it shatter. I was laying on the ground and my 2 close friends were trying to pick me up yelling my name but all I saw were the back of their heads it felt as if they were trying to pull me into this new alternate reality which scared me and I really thought I would be stuck in this new grid for the rest of my life. I remember sitting in my computer chair sideways expecting it to transport me back :lol:

When I finally came to my bong was sitting on my desk and no one was in my room, I was yelling "Hello!?" expecting a response from my 2 friends who were never even in the room with me. For the next like 10 minutes I was trying to figure out if I was actually back in my reality or not. Ever since this I'm a bit afraid of trying it again, It felt and looked so real.
Yeah dude I'd be careful. A friend of mine told me Long ago when I bought some do Not I repeat he said do Not do it alone I was okay okay... Haha of course neither of my roommates were gone I did it and it was Bad real Bad! I felt Separated from THE LORD! Like I had died and was In Death NOT LIFE!

But also I think Salvia is a Dark trip and not one for recreational use like Shrooms and Acid but regardless there are friends of friends of mine who have been Institutionalized for Tripping Too much.!


Well-Known Member
I have heard from others that if you go too far a piece of you or your soul is left behind. I've had this happen before in some dmt trips. If you get to that point it is wise to back off for awhile. It can distort reality for awhile. I've had friends get institutionalized as well after going to far. It's best to be around a good friend or two. The unknown is a scary place even if you think you are spiritually strong which I thought I was. Tripping will break down you down.


Well-Known Member
While psychedelics won't chemically mess up your brain they can definitely leave you with mental scars if you don't take it well. Thus why it's never a wise idea for somebody with mental disorders to be doing things like that unless heavily supervised

Final Phase

Well-Known Member
While psychedelics won't chemically mess up your brain they can definitely leave you with mental scars if you don't take it well. Thus why it's never a wise idea for somebody with mental disorders to be doing things like that unless heavily supervised
Wise words! I came home from a hospital 3 years ago and my mind snaped. I ended up going full suicide and ended back in the hospital with major damage done to wrists. I was only taking precribed meds and herb. This all started 6 years ago from a car accident that gave me tramatic brain damage (TBI). Six years later - now - I'm about 90% back to "normal."

My point is - we are all subject to mental illness at any time in our life. I don't need anything more than herb and a small dose of anti-anxiety meds now. If I want to get way out there I consume a large amount of edible herb.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the replies guys I will probably lyrics not be smoking it again any time soon but there's always that curiosity. In that trip it was like I had figured something out and that I would be able to willingly go to other realities :lol: I know I sound crazy but that's how I strongly felt. it drives me crazy trying to remember what it was that started the spinning, it was like a object or a word seemingly impossible to explain and I feel if I smoke it again I'll find it out but might ruin my life.

I'll just wait a month or so, I was smokin this stuff every other day till that time. I've had some other crazy experiences that I won't go into, always left me in a state willing to do it again tho


Well-Known Member
I have heard people "getting lost in the clouds" before... in fact i think this happened to one of my old best friends...
it could be true but at the same time i think it is an analogy.

We each are experiencing Our own egos tied to the superego, which is ALL of Us.
And when One has a psychedelic adventure...the trip literally propels the ego into the superego.
And when One is not prepared for this kind of trip and does not ground themselves....
they could get lost or "not to come back"

i believe You can get back if you get lost.


Kind Sir

Well-Known Member
Wise words! I came home from a hospital 3 years ago and my mind snaped. I ended up going full suicide and ended back in the hospital with major damage done to wrists. I was only taking precribed meds and herb. This all started 6 years ago from a car accident that gave me tramatic brain damage (TBI). Six years later - now - I'm about 90% back to "normal."

My point is - we are all subject to mental illness at any time in our life. I don't need anything more than herb and a small dose of anti-anxiety meds now. If I want to get way out there I consume a large amount of edible herb.
What an honest statement. Love it.


Well-Known Member
Yep I would be very careful with salvia the active chemical salvinorin a is concidered to be the most powerful naturally occurring hallucinogen in the world definitely not something to use without a sober sitter salvia is nasty though I tried it several times back in the day and not once did I ever have a good salvia trip all that stuff did was make me confused and agitated for like 1-2 minutes although this one time instead of smokeing the extract I decided to soke dry salvia leaves in water I then bundled the leave up and stuffed them in between my lips and gums I left them there for an hour (tastes like a dead body) and the high I got was not really amazing it felt kinda like I took a benzo it also gave me some weird amnesia the next day there was an omlet in the skillet I did not even remember making!! Personally I would rather just take some good acid but ya people do some crazy shit on salvia check out this vid


Well-Known Member
I have heard people "getting lost in the clouds" before... in fact i think this happened to one of my old best friends...
it could be true but at the same time i think it is an analogy.

We each are experiencing Our own egos tied to the superego, which is ALL of Us.
And when One has a psychedelic adventure...the trip literally propels the ego into the superego.
And when One is not prepared for this kind of trip and does not ground themselves....
they could get lost or "not to come back"

i believe You can get back if you get lost.

Few lsd adventures back I experienced this "super ego". Never thought of it that way till now. After a few hours of meditation and eastern music I remember all the cev melting into a human form of blue light. With my eyes closed I could clearly see a body siting in lotus. There was endless horizons of nothingness above, below and all around. There was two fireballs in each open palm. Very strange. I knew it wasn't me I was looking at. Even though I as a first person view out of the eyes. I remember thinking this must be everyone in the world who is in deep meditation at this very moment. And I could almost say communication was happening. Not linguistic, but extra sensory communication. It was a feeling a pure bliss and love. Not going to say this put me in the clouds but I haven't been the same since. This was the same night I barefoot stomped my beaker bong and somehow didn't leave a scratch on my foot, some kind of acid force field
I've been smoking salvia extracts recently, mainly because the first time I actually "went" places it really intrigued me that our conscious can be sent spinning chaotically through different realms.

A few days ago I smoked a very small amount, way less then what I usually would smoke on top of some bud and I instantly went spinning I remember seeing a grid of my room and it seemed that every picture of my room was a completely different time and i was being pulled into one that wasn't my original grid, I was alone in my room but I remember dropping my bong and hear it shatter. I was laying on the ground and my 2 close friends were trying to pick me up yelling my name but all I saw were the back of their heads it felt as if they were trying to pull me into this new alternate reality which scared me and I really thought I would be stuck in this new grid for the rest of my life. I remember sitting in my computer chair sideways expecting it to transport me back :lol:

When I finally came to my bong was sitting on my desk and no one was in my room, I was yelling "Hello!?" expecting a response from my 2 friends who were never even in the room with me. For the next like 10 minutes I was trying to figure out if I was actually back in my reality or not. Ever since this I'm a bit afraid of trying it again, It felt and looked so real.
On salvia. I don't touch it anymore. Although there was a 6nonth period I smoked it weekly. The problem with trying "figure it out" or find the answer is that it really doesn't exist. It's almost like our Psyche becomes so enamored with the idea that there is more to reality than just this physical realm we inhabit temporarily. And wen this truth is experienced it can be intoxicating, or completely terrifying. But either way the only time we will know the complete answers to the different subtle realities will be on our dying breath. Can't wait right???!! So how can you not "come back". this physical world is the the strange place which we are already stuck that is until we are not.


Well-Known Member
Ive told this in another thread but many many moon ago i used some 25x extract of salvia a few days in a row. I loved it.
One nice summer weekend me and my ex wife rented a nice waterfront cottage with the kids and i decided to bring some 75x extract.
I waited til the kids were in bed and walked out til the lake was a lil over waist deep and did about a gram and ahalf in one big bonghit.
I held it for what felt like ten minutes.
When i let it out the universe melted and it felt like i was going to fall right through the earth. The tress along the far shore started marching toward me and i heard this intense growl. Look to my right and there was an 8ft black bear coming at me.
I started running toward the cottage.
It felt like i had been running forever. Boom, i wake up laying on the beach. Look up at the cottage and my ex was laughing.
I said wow that was the longest hour of my life. She responds "dude u have been runnin back and fourth across that beach for 10mins.

I will never do salvia again........
Without filming it lol


Well-Known Member
Ive told this in another thread but many many moon ago i used some 25x extract of salvia a few days in a row. I loved it.
One nice summer weekend me and my ex wife rented a nice waterfront cottage with the kids and i decided to bring some 75x extract.
I waited til the kids were in bed and walked out til the lake was a lil over waist deep and did about a gram and ahalf in one big bonghit.
I held it for what felt like ten minutes.
When i let it out the universe melted and it felt like i was going to fall right through the earth. The tress along the far shore started marching toward me and i heard this intense growl. Look to my right and there was an 8ft black bear coming at me.
I started running toward the cottage.
It felt like i had been running forever. Boom, i wake up laying on the beach. Look up at the cottage and my ex was laughing.
I said wow that was the longest hour of my life. She responds "dude u have been runnin back and fourth across that beach for 10mins.

I will never do salvia again........
Without filming it lol
Haha I've record my self a few times hoping that I'll be able to remember more. I always bust up laughing when I watch them because I always look like I'm going hella crazy


Well-Known Member
I have heard from others that if you go too far a piece of you or your soul is left behind. I've had this happen before in some dmt trips. If you get to that point it is wise to back off for awhile. It can distort reality for awhile. I've had friends get institutionalized as well after going to far. It's best to be around a good friend or two. The unknown is a scary place even if you think you are spiritually strong which I thought I was. Tripping will break down you down.
Ahh,explains why I have no soul. .