So i transplanted my baby into about a 5 gallon bucket and about a hour later the leaves began to get droopy and i watered the soil up good and left it alone for about 4 days but no progress began still in the same state so i gave it a little nutrients but still no progress...then like a idiot i covered it with a bag during the the hot ass day and it got worse...any suggestions on what i should do???any help is thinking i might have hurt the roots during transplant but not sure soo....ImageUploadedByTapatalk1434586871.688188.jpgImageUploadedByTapatalk1434586892.087565.jpgImageUploadedByTapatalk1434586919.618847.jpgImageUploadedByTapatalk1434586939.396271.jpg

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Well-Known Member
She's dead bro, why would you do that to her? What could she have possibly gained from being covered in air tight hot boxing sauna burning plastic? Start over, I notice you have a greasy pair of pliers in the soil, perhaps some poisoning too?

Final Phase

Well-Known Member
More than likely you didn't damage the roots beyond repair. That kind of thing usually happens when transplanting a clone out of a hydro system where it's easy for a main root structure getting broke off. I'm guessing the plant is in shock from the transplant, and maybe made worse with the extra water and nutrients, and heat exposure... I wouldn't know exactly what to do so I'd try and let it ride itself out. A flush and new transplant would probably finish it off. Good luck...
Lmao first reply i get an its from a nazi hahaha but i guess help is help but in regards to the pliers they were just set there today so no poisoning done from them...but as for the bag i know it wasnt something i should have done...totally aware of that now haha but thanks for the little bit of feedback you gave appreciate it.....

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Well-Known Member
Also what ever your hiding underneath the cardboard tells another story , I see leaf tips and space , speak up and be honest if you want to learn.

Edit : and stem base , planted 2 in 5 gallon bucket? Remove the one and hope for the second and or re-pot
Final Phase.... By a flush an new transplant do you mean not a good idea or possibly might help not sure what the meaning of finish her off was lol but thanks for your input

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Lmao you guys really think that cardboard and pliers did something lmao but honestly the pliers and cardboard were set there literally right before i took the pick haha

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@240sxing......I only planted one inside the 5gallon but possibly hurt the roots during the transplant....I have two more plants and they are growing great nice and healthy but I am mainly just wondering if she can possibly recover and what is needed for it to happen

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Well-Known Member
Dumb nazi said she was dead haha lmao

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I'm not a fucking nazi lmao. My wife is Jewish for fuck sakes lol.

Good job on bringing her back....I still would have tossed her but I'd rather start fresh than potentially lose a month. But props to you, you did it and she's looking great. Are you training her at all?
Oh okay @SnotNazi...just made a assumption based off your name lmao not the most user friendy name ...,,but yeah i do a little bending on the stems not sure what thats called forgot but wanna start doing more Lst to her....

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Well-Known Member
No it's not but I thought it was a hilarious name. I heard it off the Jason Ellis show on Faction radio (Siriusxm). Either way, ya just keep pulling those branches down and she'll keep getting bushier and bushier. Just give her roughly 1-2 weeks before she flowers to settle. This way when the days get shorter and she starts to sex and flower she'll have all energies focused on flower production and not self repair from lst training.