Guess you didn't like the real life rebuttal to all the liberal spin on wages not affecting prices. Sucks when mounds of liberal "studies" and peer-reviewed citations fall flat on their fucking face, don't it?
That is a old load of shit that business owners and GOP have used use to justify their greed and insensitivity to the economic plight of the average American worker, ever since the dawn of time it seems (well, maybe not that long) that raises are counter productive. Bull shit. When people make more money they have more money to spend, and they do, The workers physical health improves, leading to less missed work days, which leads to a more efficient business. The mental health of the employee improves with less stress generated by concerns about being able to pay the bills, like for rent, food, clothes, medicine, child care, education and maybe even that impossible dream, to actually save something for the future. This also saves lives, as a happy worker is less likely to go nuts and shoot the shit out of their workplace. So, by raising wages the employer is actually benefiting. Also price competition becomes a dynamic, in that the business that maintains it prices will see an increase in sales as a result of their low prices, offsetting any increase in wages. This pretty much is an economic fact.
So, paying an extra 15 cents for a soda or an extra 2 bucks for a twenty dollar steak is not going to stop anyone from buying that product, at least I really doubt i. As far as Chipotle leaving SF, I mean in the big scheme of things, who really cares?
Alright, MuyLocoNC (North Carolina?), you are right (for a change). My quotes pertaining to what was said by Romney and Bush were not exactly accurate (Oh, well), but I think everyone got the point as to what was meant by the statements. I think that is why there was such an uproar about them generally, and watching the Republicans, again, trying to save their sinking ship by saying the most recent fuckup by a Bush was simply a misunderstanding. This Bush didn't really mean to say that the American worker had to work harder, he was only talking about the unemployed and the ones that are receiving financial aid from the government ( someone should grab the shovel out of the GOP's grasp before the hole they are digging for themselves reaches China) With that group of clowns (lost count of how many) that are running for the nomination, (that is some really funny shit listening to what they say) you know (deep down inside, don't lie) that the chance of any of those twats being elected is nil. Face it, Hillary Clinton is going to be the first female POTUS, simply because the Republicans are too fucking stupid (not you, of course) and the MAJORITY of the American people,except for those imbeciles that live in Red states know it. That's why Obama was elected not once, but fucking TWICE (ha ha ha ha).
Your turn.