Gorilla seedbank review


Your addressing there concerns is above and beyond what im used to seeing.....verynice gorillaseedbank verynice indeed!
Lol atleast sherry got your back
Sherry is awesome. She's been extremely kind, patient, helpful and quick to respond. I just wish the people "across the pond" were half as dedicated. I get that life isn't perfect and complications arise, but it would feel a lot better if I was kept more in the loop about what's going wrong with the order and if there were any delays I could be expecting.

Nonetheless, it seems like they have a good reputation and I'm still keeping faith. I'll be here ripping dabs and patiently waiting for my Skywalker Kush seeds. :cool:
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Well-Known Member
Rollitup Advertiser
Believe it or not, the communications have improved recently and we have people looking at what we can do to make it better.

But, with each change, we feel a little pain as the bugs get shook out of every process. I've got an email back out to find out why your order hasn't shipped yet, but it's about 9PM in the UK now so I won't hear back until tomorrow. And, I'll be going over all the ways we failed on your order with the staff.



Thanks again Sherry. I sincerely appreciate your help so far. In every business, there are a few people that truly keep the machine running by going above and beyond. You are one of those people.


Well-Known Member
Seriously, how are these getting here so fast? I know they're coming from the UK cause it had a customs stamp....but SHIT! I got mine in like less than a week too!

And mine were free.

And Sherry bends over backwards to make sure we have good customer service. Thanks Girl!


Well-Known Member
Rollitup Advertiser
I'm a little curious about the speed too.

My last mailer (not seeds) got here (East Coast) in 4 days too.
The one before that, just a couple weeks before, took 10 days.
Maybe everyone at customs took off for the summer & monkeys are running the joint?



Well-Known Member
I don't understand why anyone would be going anywhere else? How can u beat the way they treat us and the quickness!!! And their cheaper then most and have a wide variety!! I feel like a kid on Christmas .. sherry needs to show her boss this thread bc you and Gavin deserve a raise;)


Well-Known Member
Rollitup Advertiser
It wasn't just me - you should have seen the email rant the customer service person you've been speaking to wrote to the packers.
Apparently, they were late on other people's stuff too & she really lit a fire under them.

She's onsite, so maybe they were a little worried she'd come down & take care of business - personal like.

Now, let's just keep our fingers crossed for customs.



New Member
I'm new to this and just ordered some seed from GSC can someone tell me what would be the best way to pay if I selected cash payment.. Not sure if i'm comfortable putting cash in an envelope..


Well-Known Member
Rollitup Advertiser
Make sure the cash isn't visible in the envelope - wrap it with paper or something.

Then, send it registered mail so that they have to sign for it at the post office.

That extra little step will cost you about $17 at the US Post Office, but it keeps things from going lost in the mail.



Well-Known Member
Rollitup Advertiser
Bitcoin = win. Go to somewhere like weusecoins.com for a good intro.
And, yes - bitcoins win.

If you can do bitcoins, do it - bigger discount, and it gets applied to your order within 24 business ours almost every time.
If it doesn't, you can contact us here so it gets taken care of immediately.



New Member
Thank You very much it looks like bit coin after I learn how to use it and get coins will be the way to go. For these first two orders I will send the cash and cross my USPS finger!!


Well-Known Member
Heads up- crypto currency isnt as cryptic as it may seem-theres always a trail; the receiver; the buyer; and the persons bank acct whos holding that digital currency. Im not trying to throw a wrench in anything cause other seed banks accept it as well. People tend to think theres security and privacy in the electronic currency-thats false. just an FYI. If it was me, cash in an envelope, safe address fake name both ways-small order so you dont lose your shirt. But thats just me.


Well-Known Member
Rollitup Advertiser
Eyes, I'm not sure it's as much about security as the fact that the banking industry doesn't want to work with seed banks.

Or rather, the US government makes it illegal to work with us. I'm sure they'd be happy to take our money, just like they take money from every other retail sector, if it didn't put them at jeopardy.

However, we're just as happy to take cash in an envelope if that's how people want to pay. Bitcoins just speed things up & allow us to get the orders out faster, and it's convenient for people who deal in bitcoins.

I like to recommend it for those reasons, plus I can offer bigger discounts with bitcoins.
