Drooping leaves - Not over/underwatered.. Help..


I have probably 4 plants that the leaves no longer stand up on... They no longer reach to the sky when it's light out.. This has my worrying... Does anyone have ideas??

The strains are Pennywise, Dutch 47, G13, and maybe one more... The pennywise is in a 15 gallon pot probably and has been for months... The Dutch 47 is in a 3 gallon, but was transplanted maybe 2 weeks ago from a 1 gallon... The g13 is in a 30-40, but has been there for a month or so... All fabric pots so I'm doubting root bound...

I'm using mostly advanced nutrients iguana juice with fox farms lucky dog, but I started to make a compost tea in hopes of correcting this issue.. The newest plants I have were entirely fed with compost tea from someone I know and they are reaching for the sky and growing really fast... Thinking of trying some Grower's Secret Pro to perk them up again, but I'm almost afraid I've already OD microbial solutions... Which seems unlikely, but meh.. I doubt they've been overfed... Any ideas people?? I had a tiny fungus gnat population in my tiny pots, but everything has been outside and the bug/bird life is all over these plants daily..
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I also have a Cherry Puff that I force flowered starting at about 16 hrs sunlight... It seems to be going through, but is stressed?? Like it's budding, but is quite leafy and has twisted leaves like it's trying to revert to veg at the same time

Bud Tipps

Well-Known Member
Got any pics? Maybe try giving them some of the tea that's working for the other plants.

How did you force flower the cherry puff plant?


Got any pics? Maybe try giving them some of the tea that's working for the other plants.

How did you force flower the cherry puff plant?
It looks like the tea is helping slowly, but the pennywise still looks unhappy. Force flowered going from 24hr veg to outside.. I took at pic, but I'm going to give it a little. The pennywise looks to be perking up on the lower stems and the new leaves upon closer inspection.. I wonder if I just dried it out and killed off the microbial life.. Then the plant is having trouble sustaining itself in a small container without the living soil
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