The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Yeh man extra milk don't give a fuck far along u now? Aye the hash is nice man I just get a blob.on my finger then keep dabbing it fast on a glove with all hash stuck to it and it pulls it off bostin....its making me wanna get some new bubble bags lol
im getting a full set to do a key with dry ice, man igot one of them big mbbs 2/3 full


Well-Known Member
Yeh man extra milk don't give a fuck far along u now? Aye the hash is nice man I just get a blob.on my finger then keep dabbing it fast on a glove with all hash stuck to it and it pulls it off bostin....its making me wanna get some new bubble bags lol
I'll be 4 weeks into flower on monday mate, So still another 6 weeks to go, the zlh defo need the 10 weeks if not more to fully reach its potential weight, The psy I'll prob chop about 9 weeks tho. The 2 seeds I'm not sure about so they will come down when they look ready


Well-Known Member
I'll be 4 weeks into flower on monday mate, So still another 6 weeks to go, the zlh defo need the 10 weeks if not more to fully reach its potential weight, The psy I'll prob chop about 9 weeks tho. The 2 seeds I'm not sure about so they will come down when they look ready
I give the zlh ten weeks, was about ten and a half this time and could go longer, was still a good few white hairs


Well-Known Member
I'll be 4 weeks into flower on monday mate, So still another 6 weeks to go, the zlh defo need the 10 weeks if not more to fully reach its potential weight, The psy I'll prob chop about 9 weeks tho. The 2 seeds I'm not sure about so they will come down when they look ready
Aye it'll soon fly by man the zlh deco needs that 10 to fill out tbf I'd say they all do man to get them nice n hard ...hope u get something nice off the gth be prepared for the long haul tho geez....the buds stretch like fuck around week 6 it looks mad like huge foxtails then it all bulks up intonation huuuge cola fun to grow man


Well-Known Member
gonna dry ice sift it catch the 90 70 and 45 and have some travel smoke, gonna rosin the lower grade
Yeh man u gonna set em all up in a bucket and shake it over the top in a work bag or something? Have unseen that bid where they shake it on a table ?? I just looks like a table until he scrapes it its about an inch thick lmao jammy cunt


Well-Known Member
I've just set a new APG pgp shit up on me phone lool I'm all ready am waiting got machine elves in me contacts haha suppose I'll get pp in there too see what all the fuss is about....the best hash I've had off ag has got to be kriminales culero talk about tasty....but a bit ass smelling


Well-Known Member
Yeh man u gonna set em all up in a bucket and shake it over the top in a work bag or something? Have unseen that bid where they shake it on a table ?? I just looks like a table until he scrapes it its about an inch thick lmao jammy cunt
got so much fine trim I need 4 buckets for the grades easy to scrape and no flyaway kief on the shake