My mate got me some spray to deal with the bugs and left it at work.
So now I have to wait another day before I can spray the little fuckers attacking my babies. What a plonker!
So, because of that, today I had an idea. I vacumed the whole plant!
That's right, vacumed it. I was vacuming my grow room to tidy it and collect anything that decided to roam and thought. Why not suck the fuckers right off the leaves? My hoover has a variable power button so I can slow it right down.
So I did that and just ran the nozzle up the stem and then along the branches from node to tip. As I pulled it along, each leaf, big and small, was sucked into the nozzle and I imagine has sucked off most of the bugs. lol (I could have put that better, it sounds like I gave them all a treat!!!).
The plant still looks fine, I went over a couple of the others too just lightly.
This hopefully will have kept the bug damage to an absolute minimum until I get to spray the fuckers.