First female plant, can I harvest her now?


Well-Known Member
Sup guys, working with a 12 / 12 from seed micro grow here. And she's 8 weeks into flowering tomorrow. No microscope so I'm not sure if she's ready to harvest. But her leaves are dying, and I don't notice any new growth. I was told to wait for the hairs to receive more. But it's taking forever and my 2 preflowers are starting to stretch & take up most of the room.

Guess what I really want to know is, can I harvest with some of the pistols still poking out? I assume they will start receiving once I put her in 24hrs of dark before I harvest.


Final Phase

Well-Known Member
I'd give it another 7 to 14 days... You can chop now, Buzz may not by couch like but more head high.... THC will mature more with a little more time.


Well-Known Member
Alright thanks. Guess I'll just have to wait. I'm a have to kill off my 2 preflowers. No room what so ever.