are these the 1st signs of FEMALE PLANTS


Active Member
If you had a plant that was herm then thats kool if theres no other plants around but hermies are NO GOOD because the seeds would be hermie as well unless you plan on growing hermie plants that will yield you NO suitable smoke be my guest..

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Actually I respect the fence pisser! He tried for himself lol. I'm just fucking with you pork! But after being here what 4 days you tell a guy to pull a perfectly good plant (the post you deleted btw) and yup now your butt hurt. I've been here before and it can get pretty brutal so best to keep a low profile, get help when needed, offer up your experiences. But do not try and pass your self off as a experienced grower offering bad advice or yup you'll get a big pile of giant butt sore lol. Actually I came back just to watch the shit go down. Its like watching a nascar crash lol. You like to see it even though you know there are gonna be some injuries.


Active Member
Actually I am a pretty experienced grower. I never passed myself off as anything I only offered the advice I know works. Butt hurt .?? lol sorry but yer sadly mistakin.


Active Member
And if you noticed I corrected myself and in one of the pics it looked like a male plant honestly I dont care really if you grow males and fuck up your garden thats on you. It seems that only somebody who was'nt comfortable or unsure about himself is the one that gets butthurt because they think they know everything and get mad when they find out somebody may know more then them its only a website if you gotta come on here to be a douchebag because you got nothing better to do you really are a loser.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Porky I'm just tryin to save you from a bunch of butt hurt and by all the name calling it would seem like your feeling a bit of it. Douchebag, loser, great start man lol.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
And who said anything about growing males in the garden? Must have missed that one. I would love to get my hands on a good male right now, got some auto's I need to keep!


Active Member
You know whats even funnier? Somebody like you who wants to say I piss on the fence, but yet you are the one who does'nt know a male from a female and if you did why are you asking? So really cmon bro..


Well-Known Member
That plant is not a hermie and you cannot fucking tell a hermie in veg! There is ZERO pollen sacks. I dont know who saw a pollen sack but they need glasses, and a brain because pollen sacks dont grow on tops like that, they grow below it, you say you're experienced?:lol:. Guys please be careful telling this guy to throw his plant out because you simply cannot tell a ball sack from pre-flowers. Just dont give advice at all if you really have no experience.


Active Member
Hey its your plants I could give a fuck if you grew them out the krack of your fuckin ass bitchboy if its a male pull it if its not then keep it man I can tell a male plant before it even starts to flower that comes with years of growing you learn to spot the males. And as far as your plants who the fuck cares if you have herm male or transexual plants grow your weed and quit actin like a bitch geez..


Active Member
I did'nt say it was a hermie I said watch it close because hermies are confusing at times what dont you get about that dude? As far as I see it I never called no plant hermie, and even if I did moron who cares?