Darth Danks 2015 outdoor


Well-Known Member
I remember my hydro girl looking terrible so I got a pH pen and it was at 8! She perked right up when I took her down to 5.9. It would slowly climb back up and I would bring it back down. Over and over and over...

Now I grow in soil and water with 5.7 pH water, which is the pH I measured from the rain I collected here.

norcal mmj

Well-Known Member
So I have used earth juice, nectar of the goods and general organic this summer on my plants and the veganic general Organics is what my plants love the most. Anyone else have a organic fertilizer they like more than this ? I use dry amendments to top dress and make teas also but these seem like the best bottles I've found so far.


Well-Known Member
The Alaska Fish 5-1-1 is good and I like their new solid tomato food with Ca.

Worm casting and home worm bin/compost has been my biggest winner by far.

norcal mmj

Well-Known Member
The Alaska Fish 5-1-1 is good and I like their new solid tomato food with Ca.

Worm casting and home worm bin/compost has been my biggest winner by far.
Well if you need to get something else my plants like the veganics more that any of the lines I've tryed. The Alaska fish is on my to try list.

norcal mmj

Well-Known Member
With the year I've had anything is good. I've spent more time taking care of my dad till he passed 4 months ago and now helping my mom with life, that I'm lucky to have a garden at all. I've got about 70$ into each plant, so it's a win, even if I only pull a q/p per.

Next years on allready. I'm collecting old rootballs from my friends, to reamend and compost. Thinking around 50 gallon pots next time. Earlier start on seeds and clones, with supplemental lighting for the clones.

Hope to make the bbq this year. Thanks for all the help and input.


Well-Known Member
It looks like nutrient burn or maybe even ph fluctuation, I would suggest next time add some dolomite lime to your soil when mixing up your batch of soil for the pots. This will ph buffer your soil when ever you feed with organic nutrients. I noticed when I would use liquid organic nutrients i would get massive nutrient lockout. The dolomite lime will be like a buffer for your soil.
I think the nutrients are there in the soil but since the ph is off, the plant can't absorbed the nutrients they need.
Good Luck and Hope you have a decent harvest. :)

norcal mmj

Well-Known Member
That would be not possible, I ph every feeding to 6.0. I bubble my food in my tea and it brings the ph up then I use ph up to bring it to 5.9 to 6. I have also noticed the lock out on the bottles and that's why I ph. They are hungry, I spent the last month chasing a phosphorus deficiency and then I show up today and its nitrogen. And really burn is only on new growth on plants, not old growth.