The UK Growers Thread!

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
It's a fk'n joke, you don't have to like it. take your salt and shake it off champ, you know i do! ALL the forums go in cycles, summer being the worst. it's not a conspiracy... the forum is just slow. no need to snivel over my drivel rimmer


Imagine reporting me for that last post, fucking idiot, this place is going well down hill, can't even have a bit of banter now without getting a warning from Rollie in a pm.
Just so you no I didn't report you:clap: whoever did tho. This site is meant for growing info help support community not name calling happy growing :peace::joint:


Well-Known Member
It's a fk'n joke, you don't have to like it. take your salt and shake it off champ, you know i do! ALL the forums go in cycles, summer being the worst. it's not a conspiracy... the forum is just slow. no need to snivel over my drivel rimmer
nothing to do with forum being slow, its to do with they hypocrisy shown by the mods and the fact all you yanks cant even stay out of 1 thread thats quite clearly labelled UK GROWERS THREAD, you are neither from the UK or grow here yet still think you have some sort of right to fill the thread up with shit about a fucking utility buggy and all the other tiresome and cryptic bollocks you l come out with along with all the others


Well-Known Member
nothing to do with forum being slow, its to do with they hypocrisy shown by the mods and the fact all you yanks cant even stay out of 1 thread thats quite clearly labelled UK GROWERS THREAD, you are neither from the UK or grow here yet still think you have some sort of right to fill the thread up with shit about a fucking utility buggy and all the other tiresome and cryptic bollocks you l come out with along with all the others


Well-Known Member
nothing to do with forum being slow, its to do with they hypocrisy shown by the mods and the fact all you yanks cant even stay out of 1 thread thats quite clearly labelled UK GROWERS THREAD, you are neither from the UK or grow here yet still think you have some sort of right to fill the thread up with shit about a fucking utility buggy and all the other tiresome and cryptic bollocks you l come out with along with all the others
I'm from the uk and know to stay out of this thread. It's infested with idiocy, bigotry and homophobic comments.

What you call banter, others call cuntyness. A more horrible bunch of humans, I'm yet to meet.


Well-Known Member
I'm from the uk and know to stay out of this thread. It's infested with idiocy, bigotry and homophobic comments.

What you call banter, others call cuntyness. A more horrible bunch of humans, I'm yet to meet.
I didnt call anything banter, stop twisting peoples comments


Well-Known Member
I'm from the uk and know to stay out of this thread. It's infested with idiocy, bigotry and homophobic comments.

What you call banter, others call cuntyness. A more horrible bunch of humans, I'm yet to meet.
yeah if i remember rightly you got involved in an ongoing row between dannyboy and the members in here............and wondered why you got cunted off as well, was that you? honest question btw, so many ppl came n went during that argument

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
He's a yank in the uk thread that adds no value whatsoever, he used to get a by ball cos lax was around and backed him up but he's gone know so fuck him, fuck them all lol
You can afford to be more 'united' master grow. lighten up.. lol.

XENOPHOBE: one unduly fearful of what is foreign and especially of people of foreign origin.

I'm from the uk and know to stay out of this thread. It's infested with idiocy, bigotry and homophobic comments.

What you call banter, others call cuntyness. A more horrible bunch of humans, I'm yet to meet.
Overall the tone has lightened up some in here tbh. yes a few ere fancy themselves dominators on the big bad internetz. it does have something to do w why there are only about 6 regular posters in the thread. but to them there's others to blame heh.


Well-Known Member
You can afford to be more 'united' master grow. lighten up.. lol.

XENOPHOBE: one unduly fearful of what is foreign and especially of people of foreign origin.

Overall the tone has lightened up some in here tbh. yes a few ere fancy themselves dominators on the big bad internetz. it does have something to do w why there are only about 6 regular posters in the thread. but to them there's others to blame heh.
You seem to assume that we hate yanks in here simply because they are yanks, thats not true, we hate yanks in here as they dont get the UK humour, fill up the thread with bollocks and generally dont contribute anything useful to the thread, maybe if the yanks that came before you didnt act like such bellends we might be a bit more welcoming, but no, same as everywhere else around the planet you have to stick your oar in an piss ppl off n then wonder why no-one wants you lot in here