leafs looking purple with spots


Idk whats going on. I had a nut prob so iv flushed out an so fourth. Took off the messed of leaves they where coming back green then this happen last feed was 1tbs of roots organic grow for a gallon of water.20150810_131140.jpg
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Is that the dose they recommend to feed on? You shouldn't be using full strength. Your in veg right? How old is the plant? What's your ppm of your run off and also ph of water going in and coming off? Purple spots can be phosphorous deficiency, but if your giving it full dose of Nutes and are veg The tips being yellow dry and brown is from burn. I'm just gonna assume your giving to much and are locking it out somewhere with bad ph. Also what are your temps, feeding sched?
Ok ill i was giving roots organic ph 2 1tbs as well but I quite using it cuz its for bloom right? So I did the 1tbs of budda grow an yes thats full dose it askes for as its low in the npk ration. My waters ph is 6.0-6.5 every time run off idk about. Temp im an not real sure of. I feed/ water every 4-5 days. Yes I am in veg


Ok ill i was giving roots organic ph 2 1tbs as well but I quite using it cuz its for bloom right? So I did the 1tbs of budda grow an yes thats full dose it askes for as its low in the npk ration. My waters ph is 6.0-6.5 every time run off idk about. Temp im an not real sure of. I feed/ water every 4-5 days. Yes I am in veg an there a 3 months or so


[QUI TE="passdadutch, post: 11821501, member: 903460"]Is that your ph after Nutes are mixed? It changes once it's been mixed. You should of started with 1/4 Nutes and worked your way up slowly. It also matters what ph is coming off your soil if your using soil or what ever it is. If the ph coming off is low or high that isn't good. Temps you should be sure about and humidity. Get some meters and testers for your stuff. It'll help. Not knowing all your little details doesn't help. But I'd say nute burn since it's a full dose. And that somewhere with the big dose or ph your locking out other Nutes. One gallon of water how big are your pots? Do some reading around here. You'll learn a lot. Also you should do like a feed water feed, or feed water water etc. I assume by your statement your feeding each and every time at a full dose?[/QUOTE]
No i water an feed ever other time. Im in three gallon pots. I can't check my ph after nutes add cuz its took dark to test.


Well-Known Member
tbh by the look of it you have a combination of cold temps causing the purpling and a P and K excess causing the burn on the leaves etc, do you have the feeding chart for your nutrients handy?