pheno hunting for this season...

whlie awsome those worms are mostly deep feeders and not the "best" for composting :
Also known as red wiggler worms or Eisenia fetida,these worms are commonly used to break down organic molecules in compost and decaying matter; worm poop or castings are used as a soil enhancer and fertilizer in the garden, on the lawn, or on houseplants.Unlike most other earthworms, red wigglers are surface feeders with the ability to consume up to half their body weight in decayed matter each day so household and agricultural waste are a ideal food for the red wigglers who turn it into worm castings – natures perfect food. This species of worm does not migrate so it can be easily kept in captivity if we provide a home, air, moisture and food. The worms do all the work!

Worms are hermaphrodites (both male and female). Each worm can produce up to 2-3 cocoons or capsules per week which hatch out every 3 - 4 weeks producing tiny white baby worms called threads. The baby worms that survive will mature to reproductive age in 1-2 months. Under healthy conditions there can be a rapid increase in population available to eat more garbage or to share with a friend. Under ideal conditions with plenty of food and room in a well established bin, one pound of worms can double in three to four months.

better than nothing! lol

I get your point but why not have both? unless your going to be selling them a little variety could probably do your worm bed some good.

If efficiency of breaking down organic materials is the #1 goal why not go with BSF larvae? much faster and more efficient, Worms are just lower maintenance.
better than nothing! lol

I get your point but why not have both? unless your going to be selling them a little variety could probably do your worm bed some good.

If efficiency of breaking down organic materials is the #1 goal why not go with BSF larvae? much faster and more efficient, Worms are just lower maintenance.
any are great but for me the local worms take off faster than others
so i agree! i just thought i saw a few "tennesee jumpers" (another type of worm) man they are active:)
Yeah, I hope you come up with something and share it man. That little unit is badass, but $2500 is a chunk. Still, if my worm "empire" lol continues to grow at the pace it has in 8 months, that wouldn't be too bad.
its crazy how much plants love the compost tea. I make em super heavy with EWC, molasses, kelp meal, alfaha meal, crab meal, 3 types of bat guano, goose manure, and og biowar microbes. excellent stuff
your VERY similar to my ratio's....that og biowar man, i fucken adore that stuff!
i bought all three..........but had a thanksgiving code from cap that gave me 40% off, no way in hell id pay retail for all three, sure there great but honestly it'd break me.
from gage green group:
The process of removing poisons and chemicals from the water can be a double-edged sword. These elaborate filtration systems will affect the state of water and remove some of the beneficial attributes of water that are useful to all living things. Our research has led us to Viktor Schauberger, a pioneer in water revitalization. This scientist believed that water contained life-giving energies that interacted with the outside world in many complex ways. Depending on how it was treated and processed, water can have a tremendous effect on plants and animals.

Viktor Schauberger pioneered the understanding of implosions and water vortices in nature. He combined his engineering background with his passion for observing nature. Raised in a family of conservationists, Viktor was exposed to nature at a young age. His mistrust in textbook education made sure that his research was not limited by the nuances of western science. He would have meditations in the wilderness and spend long hours observing the movement of water. These observations led him to research implosions, the natural inward-spiraling motion that creates vortex movement in water. The unique energy created by this motion inspired his work the most.

Vorticies give water energy and life. Just stepping into nature, we can observe water’s behavior in so many settings. After a long journey falling out of the sky, melting from ice, then seeping through myriads of crystals and filtering through layers upon layers of permeable volcanic rock, water has a newfound taste and glow. This natural water, which gives vibrancy to all of nature, settles into rivers, lakes, and even natural springs. Along the way it will pick up minerals and oxygen while absorbing energy from the pattern of its movement. The vortex in water is created by the implosion of water energizing the water molecules. Centripetal forces cause the inward spiraling of the water, the same forces that create eddies and whirlpools. As the water enters the eye of the vortex where implosion increases, the water actually cools down. As the water exits the vortex, heat is created as the molecules repel one another. Tornadoes and hurricanes generate massive amounts of power through this process. The vortex creates less surface tension and infuses dissolved oxygen in the water. That is nature’s magic at work. Schauberger realized that these natural vortices improved the life-giving aspects of water tremendously.

In the high mountains of Roraima, Venezuela, indigenous peoples who have been blessed with the gift of natural water live long and happy lives. It is said that the many springs and waterfalls in Roraima contain the most active water in the world; thousands of times more energy than tap water. The people in Roraima do not have access to modern technology or medicine, yet they are healthy. Contrast this with the water systems in the developed parts of the world. Our pipe-centric systems not only use chemicals but they are also subjected to high heat, pressurized through rigid piping, and subjected to days of stagnant motion; none of which occur in nature. The water companies provide a much needed research, but we lose the powers contained in living water.

Since this discovery, our group has begun to test and apply these concepts to revitalize the water we use in the garden. We purchased a vortex tea brewer as well as a vortex water revitalizer. Both of these products focus on creating an inward spiraling movement of the water replicating the implosion that occurs in nature. Right after we used the water revitalizer, we noticed that all the plants that were given revitalized water greened up the next day, showing noticeable improvements over the plants given un-revitalized water. The leaves were noticeably greener and we witnessed more new growth. In another experiment, the sections given revitalized microbes showed significant improvements over non revitalized microbes. The plants that received revitalized microbes have more flower sites, firmer stalks, and higher resin production. The difference really shows just how powerful this additional process can be.

In addition to adding vortex technology into our water, our research also caused us to stumble upon the work of Dr. Masaru Emoto. Emoto found that water has memory. Considerable differences exist between water that had good words spoken and thoughts expressed towards it compared to the water that received only negative words and thoughts. We have always known that positive thoughts and intentions in the garden have a significant effect towards plant health and growth. When looking at Dr. Emoto’s experiments, it’s easy to make a connection between how we treat our plants and how we treat our water. Since plants are comprised of seventy-five percent water, essentially, they are one and the same. We bless the water that enters our gardens with positive thoughts just as we do our plants every day.

It is clear that our water contains a host of added chemicals. Water treatment facilities do not produce the best water for growing or drinking. In order to really provide for our plants, we need to ensure that all steps are taken to renew our water. We treat all plants in our garden like our children not only giving them good food and clean revitalized water, but we also providing them with lots of positivity. These new approaches to water have revealed a whole new side of growing that has tremendous benefits for growers. We can take this lesson and apply it to everything, from growing to living. As the world faces more uncertainty and challenges, we should seek a return to what is natural and harness its powers for good work. With the right intentions and an open mind, we can take our world to new levels of understanding.

looks awsome !
just want to take a sec and thank the most high!
my wife an i just had our second child, 2 days ago at noon after a 5 hour labor . unassissted at home , my wife is such a amazing woman.

thanks to all of you for making this the coolest cannabis site on earth :) an keeping me company / listening to me rant :) i was on call 24/7 so this site kept me company when i had to be around all the time...:mrgreen::clap::hump::hug::shock:
i feel so blessed!!
looks awsome !
just want to take a sec and thank the most high!
my wife an i just had our second child, 2 days ago at noon after a 5 hour labor . unassissted at home , my wife is such a amazing woman.

thanks to all of you for making this the coolest cannabis site on earth :) an keeping me company / listening to me rant :) i was on call 24/7 so this site kept me company when i had to be around all the time...:mrgreen::clap::hump::hug::shock:
i feel so blessed!!
Fuck yea bro! Congratulations:)
looks awsome !
just want to take a sec and thank the most high!
my wife an i just had our second child, 2 days ago at noon after a 5 hour labor . unassissted at home , my wife is such a amazing woman.

thanks to all of you for making this the coolest cannabis site on earth :) an keeping me company / listening to me rant :) i was on call 24/7 so this site kept me company when i had to be around all the time...:mrgreen::clap::hump::hug::shock:
i feel so blessed!!
Congrats on the the baby Joe....