and out of reach when driving, locked somewhere. otherwise it counts just the same as an open alcoholic container.
I drive a truck with a crew cab which means I am supposed to put my weed in the pocket behind my seat right in front of my 5 year old?
I think I'll just keep it in the console like I have done since I was 16.
I always have a dugout in the truck and usually a couple doobs to give to the panhandlers.
If I ever get searched again it will cost me more lawyer money, I guess. Good thing I can speak Cop. It does not hurt being white and respectable looking.
If I ever get my blood tested cops are going to shit their pants. 5 ng limit? I have not been below 5 ng in over 20 years. I have never been drug tested before but one of my best friends was a lot recently. I smoke about as much as he does. When he had to quit for probation he was tested daily because he looks like such a derelict. His thc metabolites stayed about the same for over 3 weeks before starting to slowly decline.
10 months later I made him smoke numerous bong hits of Super Skunk and he curled up on the floor in the fetal position for awhile.
/cool story hansel