Bernie rebounds with overflow crowd...

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
I never said I fantasize about them, but you did say you sat in class and fantasized about the girl in front of you naked. Now you clam up on me or blather nonsense. Hell I'm trying to get to the bottom of this. What age did you start thinking of sex with little girls ? When you sat in your math class at the age of 13, was it all the girls in the class or was it a certain type ? Was your family very "open " about sex...and when I say "open" I mean, did they do it in front of you ?

You're confused. I never said anything about a girl in front of me. My parents taught me not to steal, why didn't yours teach you that?

When you played football, did you lather up in a group shower with a bunch of sweaty males after grunting and groping each other on the field and sometimes "innocently" patting each other on the ass when one of you had "scored"? Is that why you said you wanted to get to the "bottom" of this? Was it intentional or just a freudian slip?

I ask because you already admitted as a teen you never thought about girls and your focus was on football...or so you say. It's okay if you like guys, but you don't need to hide it that way, your preference is completely up to you, no need to live a lie.


Well-Known Member
You're confused. I never said anything about a girl in front of me. My parents taught me not to steal, why didn't yours teach you that?

When you played football, did you lather up in a group shower with a bunch of sweaty males after grunting and groping each other on the field and sometimes "innocently" patting each other on the ass when one of you had "scored"? Is that why you said you wanted to get to the "bottom" of this? Was it intentional or just a freudian slip?

I ask because you already admitted as a teen you never thought about girls and your focus was on football...or so you say. It's okay if you like guys, but you don't need to hide it that way, your preference is completely up to you, no need to live a lie.
Seems like I hit a sore spot when I asked if your parents use to have sex in front of you as a child. I just wanted to see if this had anything to do with you being so sex hungry at 13.
You did imply that at 13 you use to wonder what the girl in your math class looked like naked and then you found out. I feel that's a problem being so young. Like I said at 13 I was much too busy with other stuff to wonder about sex like you did. I was thinking that maybe you saw some shit in your youth that made you very very curious...This is the reason I asked if your parents had sex in front of you as a child.

Whats with the homophobia ? If I liked men I would be proud and would admit it. I don't judge people on their sexual preference. Why do you ? Do you think all boys or men who enjoy football, basketball. or any sport is gay. What causes you to think like that ? Is that what you tell your gay son ? Did you shun him and make him feel bad ?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Seems like I hit a sore spot when I asked if your parents use to have sex in front of you as a child. I just wanted to see if this had anything to do with you being so sex hungry at 13.
You did imply that at 13 you use to wonder what the girl in your math class looked like naked and then you found out. I feel that's a problem being so young. Like I said at 13 I was much too busy with other stuff to wonder about sex like you did. I was thinking that maybe you saw some shit in your youth that made you very very curious...This is the reason I asked if your parents had sex in front of you as a child.

Whats with the homophobia ? If I liked men I would be proud and would admit it. I don't judge people on their sexual preference. Why do you ? Do you think all boys or men who enjoy football, basketball. or any sport is gay. What causes you to think like that ? Is that what you tell your gay son ? Did you shun him and make him feel bad ?
I'm not homophobic, I was just curious why you thought about football players instead of girls in school. I don't care if you like to take showers with guys, that's your business. Was your favorite position wide receiver or did you play tight end?


Well-Known Member
I'm not homophobic, I was just curious why you thought about football players instead of girls in school. I don't care if you like to take showers with guys, that's your business. Was your favorite position wide receiver or did you play tight end?
I see you have a hard time today with reading comprehension. Enjoying the sport of football is very much different than enjoying football players. I guess you just trying to cover up the fact that you had some serious sexual issues as a child. Why do you refuse to answer if your parents had sex in front of you as a child ? It's not your fault if you was forced to watch adults screwing when you were young. Did your wondering about naked little girls have any harm on your grades ? Do you approve of your sons fucking at 13 ? What if you had a daughter, would you want her fucking at 13 ?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
I see you have a hard time today with reading comprehension. Enjoying the sport of football is very much different than enjoying football players. I guess you just trying to cover up the fact that you had some serious sexual issues as a child. Why do you refuse to answer if your parents had sex in front of you as a child ? It's not your fault if you was forced to watch adults screwing when you were young. Did your wondering about naked little girls have any harm on your grades ? Do you approve of your sons fucking at 13 ? What if you had a daughter, would you want her fucking at 13 ?

No, I scored the highest you possibly can on standardized testing for translation of standard written english decades ago. It's probably safe to say I've forgotten more than you ever knew.

Now why are you so reluctant to discuss your thievery? Did your parents raise you on stolen produce or force you to go out and steal your supper? I'm sorry to dwell on that so much, but I wonder if it lead to your rationalizing your collection of pilfered underwear from the dryers at your laundromat.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
I`m not following ya, should she get it the next day or within that week,...What skull ? You`re not eating a chicken when you cook an chicken egg.

The problem isn't as simple as an either / or, it's a chicken or an egg thing. An egg takes about 21 days to form a chick, at day 17, 18, 19 or 20 do you think the inside of that egg is still omelet ready? Not unless you like beaks, eyes and toes in your omelet.

Think about that in relation to a human. Normal gestation for a human is around 9 months. At 7 months the unborn can hear and feel pain and has a skull, tiny hands and tiny feet.


Well-Known Member
The problem isn't as simple as an either / or, it's a chicken or an egg thing. An egg takes about 21 days to form a chick, at day 17, 18, 19 or 20 do you think the inside of that egg is still omelet ready? Not unless you like beaks, eyes and toes in your omelet.

Think about that in relation to a human. Normal gestation for a human is around 9 months. At 7 months the unborn can hear and feel pain and has a skull, tiny hands and tiny feet.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Wrong on all 3 counts Poopy Pants. But nice try.

Christianity like many religions is only as good as the people that practice the good parts of it and like many religions has alot of hypocrisy. I'm a devoted elbow macaroni Pastafarian - strike one

American Flag? yeah right, I don't support the Empire - strike two

Me a republican? Now THAT is funny. - strike three.

Sorry slugger, you just whiffed (again). Speaking of whiffing, what's that I smell on the bottom of your shoe?


Well-Known Member
The problem isn't as simple as an either / or, it's a chicken or an egg thing. An egg takes about 21 days to form a chick, at day 17, 18, 19 or 20 do you think the inside of that egg is still omelet ready? Not unless you like beaks, eyes and toes in your omelet.

Think about that in relation to a human. Normal gestation for a human is around 9 months. At 7 months the unborn can hear and feel pain and has a skull, tiny hands and tiny feet.

So that just makes the following day or within a week for a rape victim,....ideal....No ?


Well-Known Member
I'm not homophobic, I was just curious why you thought about football players instead of girls in school. I don't care if you like to take showers with guys, that's your business. Was your favorite position wide receiver or did you play tight end?
Hrm I dont know man, most guys hit puberty around that age. Thinking about sex at 13 is perfectly normal, in my opinion.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
So that just makes the following day or within a week for a rape victim,....ideal....No ?
In terms of when the unborn becomes a being some people would recognize as human, yes earlier is "better".

I'll assume it's easier for some psychologically, and for most physiologically, to rid their body of something smaller and less developed earlier in pregnancy.