Bernie rebounds with overflow crowd...


Well-Known Member
No molestation took place. I totally consented to the young ladies charms and was pleased when she introduced me to her girl friend at a drive in movie theater. Backseats were bigger then son.
You really don't think 13 is young for sex ? Did your parents have sex in front of you often when you were young ?


Well-Known Member
Sometimes the right thing is subjective. What might be right for me is not right for you.

You said I was favoring making somebody do something, I don't think you were accurate there. To make somebody do something IS different than wishing or preferring they would do or not do something. One involves a thought, the other involves an action.

I don't support abortion, nor am I willing to prevent people from getting them, while I maintain I probably wouldn't have one myself if I were capable of getting pregnant.

That`s better.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
You really don't think 13 is young for sex ? Did your parents have sex in front of you often when you were young ?
At the age of 13, did you ever wonder what Betty Lou who sat behind you math class looked like without her clothes on? Well, I found out.

I will ignore your attempt at an insult regarding my parents this time orange thief. Did your parents teach you to steal or was it something you came up with on your own?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
like i said, you were a child who was sexually molested by a pedophile. people who have sex with 13 year old children are pedophiles. 13 year old children who are sexually molested by pedophiles are victims.

no, pedophilia is not natural.

When you masturbated as a teen, did you fantasize about shitting on floors? Solving math equations? Riding your 10 speed to your friends house or did you think of "unnatural" things like the girls that ignored you in high school?

Does shitting on a floor qualify as a natural act or an unnatural act ? Even puppies learn to go on a newspaper.

On second thought...Please don't answer these questions, I don't really want to know.


Well-Known Member
At the age of 13, did you ever wonder what Betty Lou who sat behind you math class looked like without her clothes on? Well, I found out.

I will ignore your attempt at an insult regarding my parents this time orange thief. Did your parents teach you to steal or was it something you came up with on your own?
at 13 I was in the 7th grade so NO.
I was trying to make the football team and other shit like that, but I was not sitting in class wondering what the girl looked like naked.
I was not insulting your parents. I just wanted to know if they frequently had sex in front of you as a child ? Serious questions.
How often did you sit in class and fantasize about your classmates naked. What age did this start ?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
at 13 I was in the 7th grade so NO.
I was trying to make the football team and other shit like that, but I was not sitting in class wondering what the girl looked like naked.
I was not insulting your parents. I just wanted to know if they frequently had sex in front of you as a child ? Serious questions.
How often did you sit in class and fantasize about your classmates naked. What age did this start ?
How often did you fantasize about seeing Franco Harris naked or was Roger Staubach more your type?


Well-Known Member
How often did you fantasize about seeing Franco Harris naked or was Roger Staubach more your type?
I never said I fantasize about them, but you did say you sat in class and fantasized about the girl in front of you naked. Now you clam up on me or blather nonsense. Hell I'm trying to get to the bottom of this. What age did you start thinking of sex with little girls ? When you sat in your math class at the age of 13, was it all the girls in the class or was it a certain type ? Was your family very "open " about sex...and when I say "open" I mean, did they do it in front of you ?


Well-Known Member
On domestic issues, the U.S. senator from Vermont advocated raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour by 2020, closing tax loopholes exploited by the wealthy and profitable corporations, undertaking a massive $1 trillion program to fix roads and bridges and create or sustain 13 million jobs, a Medicare-for-all health care system to provide better care for more people at less cost, an expansion of Social Security and tuition-free college.

I agree with the 1 trillion infrastructure idea, my biggest and really only concern is who will be employed by those projects.
Too many times in the past, good buddies get the bids, they make ALL the money, hire a bunch of illegal immigrants at 1/3 of scale and the normal American citizen gets shafted since they are the people who are PAYING for it all.

They should have weekly inspections. Any contractor caught with more than 2 illegal workers lose their contract and any opportunity to bid on government funded projects ever again.
Blah, blah, tax the rich, blah, blah, spend money, blah, blah, gimme, gimme, I hate Mexicans


Well-Known Member
bernie's plan includes true areas of revenue growth so these projects are not just 'words//promises'.

as far as infrastructure and how the projects are determined?..hasn't been my #1 concern.

i'll look (or you can) on his 12-steps of how he plans to accomplish..he backs every idea with a source of revenue.
And I'll bet you're not one of them.


Well-Known Member
it's done all the time.

it's called cash, under the table. it is against the law for a very good reason: the exploitation of illegal workers for obvious reasons, the exploitation of legal workers because the illegal workers took their job.

so my answer is, the employer should be fined; they are when they get caught, it's the law.

nothing happens to the employee unless they are at risk for deportation.

which came first..the chicken or the egg? there's a reason why i asked this..please do try to answer, not with a question.

thank you in advance for your time and consideration in this matter.
Day turk our yabs!!! Ignorant Southerner.


Well-Known Member
If he can't even keep a girl from stealing a microphone from him, don't you think he should get his old and scrawny ass into a gym?

He looked like he was going to cry, so old and impotent.
I see a great political ad here. Video of the girl taking the mic from him with "Old and Impotent" in big letters


Well-Known Member
but that's a problem..let me explain:

IRL, i love to help those at their worst reason why i'm studying mortuary.

i live in a very diverse area, go to a diverse school 90% black..i'm a nice, pleasant person in general..i'm kind to those around me regardless of color..when i do something it's as a humanitarian act, i feel it's seen as white guilt because of the comments that are made afterwards (sometimes).

i just wish people could see each other as they really accepting not tolerant. i think tolerant is a bad word when describing relationship between people.

do you have any thoughts?
I'm wondering what the other reasons you chose to study mortuary were.


Well-Known Member
Ya but I guess I feel that a child born out of heinous acts cant have the same quality of life as you or I given the immense burden of the fact that they even exist. Its pretty hard for me to definitevly say since I am not a child of rape, BUT if I was I think I might want to kill myself. Simply for the fact that just about every time my mom looks at me she would be reminded of the most terrible moment of her life.
Sorry to be the one to tell you this.....You were the product of rape.