any tips on growing


Active Member
Hey all,

I am concidering constructing my own grow box/cabinet, Ive read up and looked at diff sites but the problem Im havin is these are all American, I am in South Africa and we work with diff kinds and brands of lights, heaters , fans etc so the names given here mean nothing to me... does anyone have decent South African market info for me?? please...
what kind of heaters are recomended? is it really nec for a heater? wont the lights provide be enough if not too much heat as it is? what lights are best, when u talk about flourescent does that mean the normal tubes i find in my kitchen? I realise this might sound like I dont know much but I am asking as many questions as possible so as not to mess this up...

also what seeds would u recommend from S.A market for indoor growing ? the majority of S.A is Sativa which is too tall for indoor.

Any positive response will be welcome



Well-Known Member
Hey all,

I am concidering constructing my own grow box/cabinet, Ive read up and looked at diff sites but the problem Im havin is these are all American, I am in South Africa and we work with diff kinds and brands of lights, heaters , fans etc so the names given here mean nothing to me... does anyone have decent South African market info for me?? please...
what kind of heaters are recomended? is it really nec for a heater? wont the lights provide be enough if not too much heat as it is? what lights are best, when u talk about flourescent does that mean the normal tubes i find in my kitchen? I realise this might sound like I dont know much but I am asking as many questions as possible so as not to mess this up...

also what seeds would u recommend from S.A market for indoor growing ? the majority of S.A is Sativa which is too tall for indoor.

Any positive response will be welcome

first off dude what do u mean by heater??? what would u need a heater for?? secondly how many plants do u plan on growing?? what kind of yield u lookin for?? what nutes u got?? what strain u wana grow?? give a few more specifics and i could try to help ya as much as possible


Active Member
Well mate to be honest Im not after large crop quantities ( yet )
This is new to me so I suppose anything between 2 and 6 plants for now, I also dont want to go too big its an experiment for now and I wld like to see wht can be done,the seeds I have are swazi seeds and like I said in my initial thread I am not sure what would be best to use that is why I posted this question.
-heaters... once again im not sure... I have read about these things on other peoples reviews and sites and like I said before..Is it even necessary?

That is all I can say at this point pls give me all the info you can I will appreciate it, basically I just want to construct a simple fool proof system that can grow me nice fat plants full of good heads that are not too tall..
I dont have all the info needed for this, I do not want to supply I only want to experiment and supply myself and maybe a few mates....

Thank you.


Well-Known Member
i would just use an old closet,a fan and a 250 hps to start.
how come you said heater dont you live in africa?.


Well-Known Member
Well mate to be honest Im not after large crop quantities ( yet )
This is new to me so I suppose anything between 2 and 6 plants for now, I also dont want to go too big its an experiment for now and I wld like to see wht can be done,the seeds I have are swazi seeds and like I said in my initial thread I am not sure what would be best to use that is why I posted this question.
-heaters... once again im not sure... I have read about these things on other peoples reviews and sites and like I said before..Is it even necessary?

That is all I can say at this point pls give me all the info you can I will appreciate it, basically I just want to construct a simple fool proof system that can grow me nice fat plants full of good heads that are not too tall..
I dont have all the info needed for this, I do not want to supply I only want to experiment and supply myself and maybe a few mates....

Thank you.
how much money are u working with??


Well-Known Member
first off dude what do u mean by heater??? what would u need a heater for?? :confused:

most people need a heater to keep temps up if i did not run a heater my temps in winter would fall to -5C at nightime i also have to keep a fish tank heater in nutrient tank to warm the water this is also a fail safe if the room heater shitz itself the nutrient tank isnt frozen solid.


Well-Known Member
first off dude what do u mean by heater??? what would u need a heater for?? :confused:

most people need a heater to keep temps up if i did not run a heater my temps in winter would fall to -5C at nightime i also have to keep a fish tank heater in nutrient tank to warm the water this is also a fail safe if the room heater shitz itself the nutrient tank isnt frozen solid.
ummmm if u read this guy said hes in south africa and i highly doubt temps in south africa get that low so read the whole thing before u go trying to correct me out of everyone who posted on this thread for the last time be gone little dude


Active Member
Whats up man, where in south africa are you from, i know of a grow shop not to far from where i live, there you will be able to get allt he nutes and lights etc that you need.