Bubble cloning with WELL WATER

Darth Velonex

New Member
I've had great success with my DIY bubble cloners. Today I went to set it up and thought... Wait a minute. I don't have city water any more. Any one with success stories using well water? I've found a couple comments of people saying they use it, but I'm looking for a little more. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
Depends on what and how much is in your water. The well water in my old place was over 600ppm which wouldn't work well with clones.

Test it with a ph and tds meter first.

Darth Velonex

New Member
Trouble is I don't have a TDS meter. I have read over and over again that PH doesn't matter during the rooting process, because PH controls nutrient uptake and rooting clones don't need nutrients. I wonder if anyone has insight as to whether or not the TDS matters not, for the same reason.

One thing I think I have going for me is that I do not have hard well water. Growing up I had the worst water in my family home. I could never get over the taste. The water at my current home is flavorless, odorless and all around great for showers etcetera.

I've already started the cloning process and after 3 days the cuts look good. I think I'll just roll with it unless someone comes in with some horror stories.

Thanks for the help.


Well-Known Member
Saying "well water" means nothing. Does the well go into a volcano or into an Icelandic aquifer? You need some data to know anything. Just try it, or measure it.