grow room set up


Active Member
OK this is my first grow and i have some questions about my grow room. Now from what i understand most people say to just paint the walls of my grow room white for reflection of light purposes. Now my question is.. since most people say dont use aluminum foil because any dents in the foil will cause a concentration of light and cause plant burn... Will using a room lined in mirrors work better? Reflection of light would be peak as well as there would be no dents or curves in the mirror. How do you guys feel about using mirrors with CFL lights as apposed to HPS or MH lights? My grow room is almost a 10x10 shed. I can utilize the entire room for my grow project.


Well-Known Member
mirrors = heat spots = big no no

want a cheap alt. do what I did in my first grow I went to Walmart and picked up a few emergency blankets in their camping area for like a buck and change. Nice lil investment let me tell ya def tons better then a mirror


Well-Known Member
KILLZ-awesome, cheap, resists mold and stuff. Mylar-awesome, expensive, tears easily and a pain to put up. Those are your two easiest options IMO. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
OK this is my first grow and i have some questions about my grow room. Now from what i understand most people say to just paint the walls of my grow room white for reflection of light purposes. Now my question is.. since most people say dont use aluminum foil because any dents in the foil will cause a concentration of light and cause plant burn... Will using a room lined in mirrors work better? Reflection of light would be peak as well as there would be no dents or curves in the mirror. How do you guys feel about using mirrors with CFL lights as apposed to HPS or MH lights? My grow room is almost a 10x10 shed. I can utilize the entire room for my grow project.
Either stick to flat white paint which gives a reflective characteristic about 85% and higher. Mylar is about 86%. Panda film is about 88%. Foylon is in the low 90's. Mirrors are a bad idea for how its refractive index is when it bends light back to an object it generates concentrated heat signatures kind of like magnifying glasses.


Active Member
Reflection of light would be peak as well as there would be no dents or curves in the mirror.
I have heard that although the mirror may not visually appear to have any dents, curves, or imperfections to concentrate the reflected light and burn the plants, but actually the surface of the mirror is quite uneven and rough if examined closely enough and it still will magnify reflections enough to burn spots on the plants.

Mylar or flat white paint are apparently better options