I'm imagining they hooked you up like wolverine after hearing that. You got some titanium work I take it?
Yea, 6 plates, 12 screws and 2 vert rods to tie it together I blew 6 disks and
had 2 points of contact with the cord, ferked my arm up and upper back.
To frost that cake arthritis of the spine.

Not 'till Jan. then we're legal right now it's oxy and soma and piss tests every 6 mos.
So I smoke 4 and clean 2, it's not the best but it works. I also get steroid shots every
few weeks where the pain pops up., unfortunately it's mostly in the spine and they
ferking hurt.
Right now I have C99, White Indica, Rude Dog, Blue Moonshine, Swamp Wreck 7
in flower, I believe all are 20%+ so they're good meds plus I take care of 10 or so
MS patients.

I do have cof's cookie recipe.
woah that's some pretty major shit to go through man. I assume you medicate with high end thc strains, extrema, herjuana, dog kush, etc? you need to hit COF up for his medibles recipe!
I'll be running Dog, Jakes Dream and Smelly Cherry this winter so I'm hoping to get some
good meds there, a couple other guys in the 6 are running them now so I'll get pointers.
Dog I know the fairy got me some before, good stuff! I've also grown Extrema which worked
well especially the dry ice hash.
A friend also made me some crosses for meds that I'm looking forward to trying.

COF's:peace: one of the good guys for sure! he's helped many in need.

everyone loved the jakes dream testers, the smelly cherry oddly enough is apparently good for ladies pains!?

Roll opn January oldfella!

sorry for derailing your show Dr! I was getting well jelly of seeing the plumes coming from a deck chair in your patch lol
Hang in the doc, some lucky dog will gladly snatch you up.
There are a lot of very stupid fuckers out there but someone will recognize your skills and talents and that will be the person you want to work for, someone with intelligence.
i ve got my fingers crossed for you and sending you good strong positive vibes for you and your family!
Let me know if there is anything I can do to help.
I find out tomorrow if i get a gig in NYC. if so i have to pack up and move NEXT WEEK! the job starts in 2 fuckin weeks.
take care dude.
Damn DAT that is short notice but i know y'all would rock it out east:)

Old man damn that is some crazy neck work. Cofs exstrema cut and lt dans three he grew all were great for my wifes migraines. I to some southern thunder cloes last night. Might have to send you some frank's gift x heri banana i am working on:)
Damn DAT that is short notice but i know y'all would rock it out east:)

Old man damn that is some crazy neck work. Cofs exstrema cut and lt dans three he grew all were great for my wifes migraines. I to some southern thunder cloes last night. Might have to send you some frank's gift x heri banana i am working on:)
Well, your the Doctor. :wink:
Yea every time I move my head it sounds like a bag of gravel being twisted.
Hang in the doc, some lucky dog will gladly snatch you up.
There are a lot of very stupid fuckers out there but someone will recognize your skills and talents and that will be the person you want to work for, someone with intelligence.
i ve got my fingers crossed for you and sending you good strong positive vibes for you and your family!
Let me know if there is anything I can do to help.
I find out tomorrow if i get a gig in NYC. if so i have to pack up and move NEXT WEEK! the job starts in 2 fuckin weeks.
take care dude.
If you end up in the great white north DAT bring the warmest gear you own. That is some of the
coldest area in the country up there, record lows of -35f aren't uncommon and multiple foot snow
falls in a day but this time of year it's the most beautiful place, very much like the P.N.W. but bigger.

Damn DAT that is short notice but i know y'all would rock it out east:)

Old man damn that is some crazy neck work. Cofs exstrema cut and lt dans three he grew all were great for my wifes migraines. I to some southern thunder cloes last night. Might have to send you some frank's gift x heri banana i am working on:)
My mouth's been watering ever since you first described the heri-banana a few months back.
With Franks Gift mixed in it should be great meds.
Looks like the fairy will be flying your way in a couple months my friend.

If you end up in the great white north DAT bring the warmest gear you own. That is some of the
coldest area in the country up there, record lows of -35f aren't uncommon and multiple foot snow
falls in a day but this time of year it's the most beautiful place, very much like the P.N.W. but bigger.

-35 is NO JOKE wow ...
dr the franks X heri sounds DANK i call tester on those beaastes :)
whoot whoot, I have heard good things about trinity. I didn't read that at first, went back and noticed it. I am looking forward to testing it!

Smoking on some blackberry...with a big ol blackberry smile. She has a good number of seeds being formed. Can chop her next week! gonna dry, then pop some!
whoot whoot, I have heard good things about trinity. I didn't read that at first, went back and noticed it. I am looking forward to testing it!

Smoking on some blackberry...with a big ol blackberry smile. She has a good number of seeds being formed. Can chop her next week! gonna dry, then pop some!
Cool i have the gangbang girl outside now and will be putting more out tomorrow after i get some soil for them. Then i will be room buildin and fliping the indoor for a xmas smoke fest. Tent sold super quick to man so i am adding a wall fan in the ghouse:)

Seedlings looking happy in there new homes
More clones
And some goog looking plants. Theses are the Animal Cookies x Dog Kush
Well I have moved to Oregon over the past few weeks and am up and running again. Lots of room to grow here and lots of seeds to pop. Tonight I put the first 89 seeds in to cups and will have to pick up some more on the way home tonight. Pics will be up soon. I have some clones coming but for now I will list the seeds I just put down:)
Granddad balls - 35
Fireballs - 37
Southern Thunder - 12
Nibiru - 16
Berry Bubble - 12
Bubba Jerple - 5
Cemalope - 2
O x SL - 4

Swamp Wrecked #7 x BMS -19
2010 Dog x BMS - 12
Sage - 3

4x - 8
Roadrunner - 5

what part of OR if I may ask? I live in WA and work in OR.