newbie here. looking for helpful flowering suggestions


Hey guy's. This is my second grow and im growing under 12 cfl bulbs. 8 100w equivalent and 4 65w equivalent. 6, 2700k and 6, 6500k. My growing medium is a generic potting soil. Im using miracle grow house plant nutrients every watering. Diluted to one teaspoon per gallon of water. Im just over three weeks into flowering and while my buds appear healthy.... to me anyway. Im not very satisfied with the yeild so far. Any suggestions to help me get the most out of plants under my current setup? I know i can't expect too much with smaller plants under cfls but more is always better :).....constructive criticism is greatly appreciated.



Well-Known Member
Look up hempy bucket and Lucas formula for your next grow. MG works tho. I am not a big fan of CFL.

FWIW, my first grow was MG everything and CFL. It turned out great actually. Very healthy and good yield. It was a Dinafem. Genetics play a big part. MG and CFL do work. Just not optimum.

Don't worry. Be happy. It's your second time.


Well-Known Member
Hey guy's. This is my second grow and im growing under 12 cfl bulbs. 8 100w equivalent and 4 65w equivalent. 6, 2700k and 6, 6500k. My growing medium is a generic potting soil. Im using miracle grow house plant nutrients every watering. Diluted to one teaspoon per gallon of water. Im just over three weeks into flowering and while my buds appear healthy.... to me anyway. Im not very satisfied with the yeild so far. Any suggestions to help me get the most out of plants under my current setup? I know i can't expect too much with smaller plants under cfls but more is always better :).....constructive criticism is greatly appreciated.
More light, better soil, better nutrients...

CFL's are great for light enhancement but for better yield HID lights are always preferred. . Growing weed is easy growing good weed can be tricky. I always want to know what is in my soil and keep track of things with feedings and such. MG products are touch and go, some swear by them but most will say there are much better foods and soils etc. I am one of the latter.

Constructively, I would say get more light, know what is in your soil and feed when appropriate, feeding every watering is generally not a great idea. Always remember, your plants will yield an equal amount of love you put into them.

Also, people on these sites will usually want have a lot of info to help i.e. what is your temp, humidity level, ph level etc etc

From the pics it appears you have maxed the yield potential of your set up, close nodes and quite a few small buds, buds will lose quite a bit of size when dried so bottom line is you are only looking at best at an eighth.

Don't despair it is a great attempt with your set up, they look healthy.

Good luck
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